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Starfield really has the best weapon for your space pirate playthrough

You're going to be free to do what you want in the upcoming Xbox RPG Starfield, and there's one weapon out there perfect for your ultimate space pirate run.

Starfield Cutlass weapon space pirate: an image of a bald man in front of a pirate ship from the RPG

Starfield is going to offer players quite a lot of freedom when it comes to how they want to play this upcoming Xbox game. Your first spaceship might set you back 98 or-so sandwiches, but once you’ve got your hands on that, the galaxy really is at your feet. You can spend your time exploring the hundreds of planets out there, working in one of the cities teeming with life, or even dedicate yourself to completing all the Starfield Research Laboratory projects on offer. One rather alluring avenue of approach, however, is becoming a space pirate in Starfield – and, it looks like the only thing you’ll be missing from fulfilling this fantasy is a big bottle of rum.

Bethesda’s long-awaited Starfield Direct showcase has come and gone, but the hype for Starfield ahead of the release date is only growing and fans – as you might expect – are combing through every single frame of footage we have to uncover everything they can about a game that could very-well be one of the best Xbox RPG games we’ve seen so far when it drops. One eagle-eyed fan, who goes by ‘RomanDelvius‘ on Reddit, has actually spotted a cutlass in-game; as you can see below, it appears as a loot item on a swiftly-dispatched spacer. If you know your swashbuckling, you’ll know that this broad, slashing sword was quite common-place when it came to the Age of Sail – a period of history, between around 1550 and 1850 where naval navigation, trade, and warfare dominated the discourse. So, it’s the perfect weapon for any up-and-coming pirate to have at their side.

The “UC Naval Cutlass”, as it’s listed in Starfield at the moment, could be the perfect weapon for those of you wanting to join one of the more pirating-focused Starfield factions out there – or, of course, those of you who want to go solo and wreak havoc among the stars on your own terms.

Besides the katana, we also have cutlasses
byu/RomanDelvius inStarfield

Rather interestingly, this is one of the few confirmed Starfield weapons with a faction actually named in it’s name. We’re confident in suggesting that the “UC” in “UC Naval Cutlass” stands for United Colonies, a name you can also see plastered across the game’s Combat Knife – for example. This could be something that suggests other factions, like the Crimson Fleet (who are actually pirate raiders), may offer up different designs on this iconic bladed weapon.

However, at the moment, we just don’t know for sure; so, take all that with a pinch of salt. But, even if this is the only cutlass in the game, it would make for a fine primary weapon when it comes to fully adopting the life of a space pirate, don’t you think?

While we don’t know if you’ll be able to equip a classic-looking Tricorn Hat, this should make light work of any scandalous Spacers, Freestar Collective fighters, or manic Ecliptic Mercenaries you come across. One fan, in the comments of the Reddit thread linked above, has also spotted the phrase “for MIL/LE use only” along the blade of this cutlass. This seems to suggest that the cutlass itself was originally intended for military personell or law enforcement officers.

You can check it out below for yourself; it might not mean much in reality, but it’s certainly a fun little detail and we have a funny feeling that we’re going to be seeing little phrases like that on quite a lot of weapons we come across in Starfield. Isn’t that what being a pirate is all about, anyway?

Starfield cutlass weapon space pirate blade: an image of the close-up of the blade in the RPG

This weapon was spotted in the inventory of the first enemy “punched to death” in the Starfield Direct, according to ‘RomanDelvius’ which you can watch in full below. Yeah, now we’re going to go back and watch it all again, too.

YouTube Thumbnail

If you really wanted to go all-out with your pirate playthrough, you could even take advantage of the incredible ship customization options on offer to create something akin to a Pirate Galleon. We don’t know if you’ll be able to add sails to your build, but if you can make your ship into a Gundam-style mech, we can imagine you can make it into something similar to what you would see terrorizing the Seven Seas.

If that all sounds like fun, you really should look into getting your hands on one of those Starfield pre-orders that are up for grabs. This isn’t just going to give you access to the first bit of Starfield DLC, you’ll actually be able to play it early too. We don’t know about you, but when you look at all the skills and traits you might need to unlock to better-facilitate a space pirate run, that extra time will be useful. We also recommend checking out the best Xbox expansion cards ahead of time, too. With everything on offer, Starfield is going to be a pretty chunky game.

For the complete Starfield weapons database, check out Starfield Db – a handy Starfield reference tool.