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Destiny 2 From Zero quest walkthrough

Here’s how to complete the Destiny 2 From Zero quest added in Lightfall, including Neomuna Region chests, Neomuna activities, and Shadow Legionary Trask.

Destiny 2 From Zero Lightfall quest walkthrough: Nimbus racing through Neomuna.

The Destiny 2 From Zero quest is one of the first quests you’ll pick up once you dig into the Lightfall expansion. In From Zero, Cloud Strider Nimbus will give you some basic tasks to help the city of Neomuna, letting you loose to explore and complete activities. With that said, there are some confusing steps in the Destiny 2 From Zero quest, namely retrieving supply caches from Region chests in Neomuna.

To heighten your experience of Neomuna in Destiny 2, we’ve got a selection of intriguing lore explainers, including Destiny 2 Neomuna loreDestiny 2 Cloud Striders lore, and an answer to the question of ‘what is The Veil in Destiny 2?‘ We’ve completed the From Zero quest during our time with the expansion for our Destiny 2 Lightfall review.

Destiny 2 From Zero quest

The Destiny 2 From Zero quest steps are:

  • Loot three Neomuna Region chests.
  • Complete activities in Neomuna, including Patrols, Public Events, and Terminal Overload.
  • Defeat Shadow Legionary Trask in the Esi Terminal.

The Destiny 2 From Zero quest has three steps, requiring you to open Region chests, complete activities in Neomuna, and defeat Shadow Legionary Trask in the Esi Terminal. This quest can take a bit of time, especially if you’re under the recommended Destiny 2 Lightfall Power cap in this challenging zone, though you will be rewarded with the Iterative Loop Fusion Rifle.

Destiny 2 From Zero quest step 1 – Neomuna Region chests

Step one of the Destiny 2 From Zero Lightfall quest tasks you with retrieving supply caches from Region chests in Neomuna. Region chests are marked on the map by a circle icon surrounded by four curved lines. These chests can only be opened once each, so you’ll need to find and open three Destiny 2 Neomuna Region chests to complete this quest step.

Destiny 2 From Zero quest step 2 – Neomuna activities

Once you’ve opened three Neomuna Region chests, you’ll have to complete activities on Neomuna for step two of the From Zero quest. To progress this step, complete any combination of activities until you reach 100% completion, including Patrols, Public Events, and Destiny 2 Terminal Overload.

The best way to progress the Destiny 2 From Zero quest step two is to complete Patrols as these are often very quick and easy to do, with each Patrol giving around 15% progress. What’s more, you can also complete Patrols while doing Public Events and other activities to maximise your progress.

Destiny 2 From Zero quest step 3 – Shadow Legionary Trask

The third and final step of the Destiny 2 From Zero quest is to find and kill Shadow Legionary Trask in the Esi Terminal area. To find Shadow Legionary Trask it’s as simple as tracking the From Zero quest in the quest menu and then setting a waypoint to the quest on the map. This quest waypoint can be found to the west of Neomuna, pointing you towards the Esi Terminal where Shadow Legionary Trask can be found surrounded by a small group of Cabal.

Once you’ve defeated Trask, return to Nimbus to hand in the quest and get the Iterative Loop Fusion Rifle. It’s worth noting that this weapon comes with an extractable pattern so you can also progress towards unlocking the craftable pattern.

Now you know how to complete the Destiny 2 From Zero quest added with Lightfall, you’ll have helped the city of Neomuna in their time of need and earned a snazzy new weapon as well. Be sure to check out all the other weapons you can earn, including the Destiny 2 Lightfall Exotic weapons and Destiny 2 Lightfall Exotic armour pieces up for grabs. Some of these might end up on the best Destiny 2 PvE weapons or best Destiny 2 PvP weapons lists so you can get ahead of the curve.