Bethesda’s Starfield is one of the most exciting upcoming Xbox games on the way and it’s going to be a pretty big one – just take a look at the amount of Starfield planets we’ll be able to explore. However, the completionists among you shouldn’t be disuaded by the sheer scale of Starfield; the Steam page for the upcoming space game has revealed that there will be 50 Starfield achievements for players to earn – which is the same number of achievements Skyrim launched with, and Fallout 4.
Ahead of the Starfield release date, database site StarfieldDb has reported that eagle-eyed Starfield fans have spotted that the Steam listing for Starfield is showing that the game will launch with a total of 50 achievements – something we fully expect to be reflected in the Xbox version of the game. Despite shipping with an impressive number of Starfield factions, an extensive Starfield ship customization system, and more Starfield weapons than any Spacer could carry, this is the same number of achievements every Bethesda game has launched with since Fallout 3. Isn’t that a little weird when you think of the scale Starfield is offering?
Either way, that doesn’t mean we won’t see any more added to this list in the future – a list that’s sadly currently unavailable in any detail. With every piece of post-launch content for its games in the past, Bethesda has added more achievements. So, with the first bit of Starfield DLC already confirmed, we’re expecting another handful of achievements to be introduced to the list of 50 sooner rather than later.
That, though, also doesn’t mean you’re going to breeze through Starfield and everything it has to offer. In fact, when you consider the sheer scale of Starfield, length is almost incomparable to games like Skyrim – and that’s a lot longer than you might think.
According to How Long To Beat, a completionist run of Skyrim will take you over 230 hours. Somewhat similarly, a completionist run of Fallout 4 will take you 158 hours. Even the smaller Fallout New Vegas will take you 131 hours to complete. So, when you think of how much there is to do in Skyrim, we could be looking at upwards of 400 hours for a completionist run.

We know that sounds like a lot, but we can’t imagine the main story will be nearly as long. So, don’t worry about this game being an overwhelming time-sink. There are a lot of great games on the way and, while Starfield does sound like it’s going to offer quite a lot to do, we can’t imagine you’ll need to do all of it if you don’t want to.
Space is anything but safe in these stunning Starfield animated shorts, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be looking forward to venturing out into it. Although, it might be worth looking into a trip home when you boot it up. It looks like we might just already know what happened to Earth in Starfield’s universe already – and it’s not good news.