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Destiny 2 Season 20 release date, story, gameplay

Here’s everything you need to know about the Destiny 2 Season 20 release date and story, including how Season of the Defiance ties into the Lightfall expansion.

Destiny 2 Season 20 release date: One of Calus' Shadow Legion Cabal soldiers.

The Destiny 2 Season 20 release date is upon us with the launch of Lightfall. Given that both Destiny 2 Season 20: Season of Defiance and Lightfall release simultaneously, there’s a lot of new features and content for Guardians to dig their teeth into.

To stay up to date with the next big expansion, be sure to check out the Destiny 2 Lightfall release date, story, gameplay, and more so you know what to expect before picking up the expansion. Furthermore, have a look at the best Destiny 2 Titan build, best Destiny 2 Warlock build, and the best Destiny 2 Hunter build to give yourself a leg-up on the enemies of the Light in Destiny 2 Season 20 and Lightfall.

Destiny 2 Season 20 release date

Destiny 2 Season 20 will launch on February 28, 2023, alongside the release of the Lightfall expansion.

As was the case with Season 16 and The Witch Queen expansion at the start of 2022, Bungie will release both content updates simultaneously, making for a very substantial update. Destiny fans will surely be eating well in early 2023.

Destiny 2 Season 20 story

The Destiny 2 Season 20 story centres around a defence of Earth against an invasion by The Witness and their army. From the Destiny 2 Lightfall launch trailer, we can see that Earth is under assault in space by the Black Fleet, explaining the presence of The Witness’ troops on home soil. We’ll team up with some characters we’ve not seen in a long time, including Devrim Kay, to mount a defence.


Destiny 2 Season 20 gameplay

Currently not much is known about the Destiny 2 Season 20 gameplay or features specifically. Nevertheless, we can expect to see a new Seasonal activity which will likely take place on Earth as we defend our home from The Witness. Likewise, we’re likely going to see the Seasonal artifact provide unique effects to Strand, the next powerful Subclass coming to Destiny 2 alongside the Lightfall expansion.

That’s everything we know about the Destiny 2 Season 20 release date, story, and gameplay. This guide will be updated with the latest information on the next seasonal adventure coming to Bungie’s hit MMORPG. To get the best start in Destiny 2 Season 20: Season of Defiance and the Lightfall expansion, make sure you’re all caught up with the suggested Destiny 2 campaign order. Likewise, make good use of the best Destiny 2 PvE weapons and best Destiny 2 PvP weapons to destroy the opposition.