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Destiny 2 Grandmaster Nightfall rotation and weapons Season 20

Find out the Destiny 2 Nightfall rotation and schedule in Season 20 for one of the hardest activities, along with the valuable Adept weapons up for grabs.

Destiny 2 Grandmaster Nightfall rotation and weapons Season 20: A Warlock wearing the Neomuna armor while escorting Pyramid tech during The Lake of Shadows Strike.

One of the biggest events of each season is the release of the Grandmaster Nightfall Strikes. These are the pinnacle of PvE content besides the raids, so there’s great loot up for grabs if you’re ready for the challenge. We’ve got you covered with the Destiny 2 Grandmaster Nightfall rotation and weapon rotation for Season 20 and the Grandmaster this week so you’re up to date on the schedule.

The Destiny 2 Grandmaster rotation for Season 20: Season of Defiance can reward you with some of the best Destiny 2 PvE weapons and best Destiny 2 PvP weapons in the game. It’s definitely worth keeping up with the weapon rotation to add them to your collection.

What is the Destiny 2 Grandmaster Nightfall weapon this week?

The Grandmaster Nightfall weapon this week in Destiny 2 is The Swarm (Adept), an Arc machine gun.

This will only be available from reset at May 16 until May 23.

The Swarm is a rather powerful heavy weapon, particularly in PvE since the buffs to the machine gun weapon type. The Adept version of the weapon, acquired through the Grandmaster Nightfall, will add even more power. While it may not be the best Nightfall weapon, it’s certainly not one to scoff at.

As always, you’ll want to keep your eyes out for one of The Swarm god rolls. In PvE, The Swarm god roll is Vorpal Weapon and Surplus, with Accurized Rounds and Smallbore. This will be great for boss damage phases. An alternative PvE roll would be One for All or Dragon Fly with Outlaw, particularly effective in add-clear situation.

The Swarm PvP god roll is Killing Wind and Zen Moment with Accurized Rounds and Smallbore. This will no doubt be a weapon worth chasing if you’re up to the challenge of the Grandmaster Nightfall.

What is the Destiny 2 Grandmaster Nightfall this week?

The Grandmaster Nightfall Strike this week in Destiny 2 is Lake of Shadows. This will only be available from May 16 until May 23 at the Destiny 2 weekly reset.

This Strike is available to everyone, being one of the free-to-play Strikes. Furthermore, it’s on the easier end of the Grandmaster Nightfall scale as many players have learned it inside and out. It’s worth remembering this Lake of Shadows was reworked this season, so it will take slightly longer to grind now. With that in mind, it’s a great time to grind for a Destiny 2 The Swarm god roll for PvE or PvP.

Destiny 2 Grandmaster Nightfall weapon rotation Season 20: Guardians aiming at a Taken boss during the Lake of Shadows Strike.

Destiny 2 Grandmaster Nightfall weapon rotation for Season 20

The Destiny 2 Grandmaster Nightfall weapon rotation for Season 20 is:

  • Hung Jury SR4 (scout rifle)
  • Mindbender’s Ambition (shotgun)
  • Wendigo GL3 (Heavy grenade launcher)
  • The Malitia’s Birthright (Energy grenade launcher)
  • The Buzzard (sidearm)
  • The Swarm (machine gun)

These are relatively popular and strong weapons right now, particularly Wendigo and The Malitia’s Birthright in PvE, and The Buzzard and Hung Jury SR4 in PvP. Grandmaster Nightfalls are your chance to grab the more powerful Adept versions of these weapons on their given week, so don’t miss out.

Destiny 2 Grandmaster Nightfall rotation Season 20: A Cabal interacting with a green interface during The Arms Dealer Strike.

Destiny 2 Grandmaster Nightfall rotation and schedule for Season 20

The Destiny 2 Grandmaster Nightfall rotation for Season 20 is:

  • Proving Grounds – week 7 on April 11
  • Heist Battleground: Mars – week 8 on April 18
  • Hypernet Current – week 9 on April 25
  • The Arms Dealer – week 10 on May 2
  • The Glassway – week 11 on May 9
  • Lake of Shadows – week 12 on May 16

These Strikes are only available for a week before the next becomes available so you’ll want to hop in and grind for the weapon before it goes. Of these, the hardest Grandmaster Nightfalls in Season 20 will likely be Heist Battleground: Mars and Hypernet Current. These gave players the most trouble during the standard Nightfall rotation, and although changes were made to Heist Battleground: Mars, it could still pose a large hurdle for those taking on the Grandmaster challenge.

Make sure you are at or above the recommended Grandmaster Nightfall Power level of 1815 if you’re going to dive in, as enemies will be 1840 and pack a punch. Check out our guide to the Destiny 2 Season 20 Power cap so you know all the details.

Now you’re ready to take on the Destiny 2 Grandmaster Nightfall rotation to get the Adept weapons up for grabs in Season 20. Being one of, if not the hardest activity in the game, you’re certainly going to need the best Destiny 2 Titan build, the best Destiny 2 Hunter build, or the best Destiny 2 Warlock build if you want to emerge victorious.