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Use this MW3 Zombies XP farm method right now to level up your guns

MW3 Zombies is the mode to play to level up MW3 guns fast, as this nifty MW3 Zombies XP farm method makes the Call of Duty grind easier.

MW3 Zombies XP Farm method exploit

Now that you’ve got all the Modern Warfare 3 weapons at your disposal, the grind to level them up quickly begins. But don’t just rely on MW3 multiplayer, you can jump into MW3 Zombies to take your guns into the stratosphere. This MW3 Zombies XP farm method is easy, quick, and perfect for unlocking all the desired attachments you need in the latest Call of Duty game.

With Modern Warfare 3‘s launch weekend coming to a close, players are already finding sure fire ways to get the most out of the MW3 guns roster. By launching the game’s iteration of Zombies, you can follow this XP farm method that YouTuber ‘Caspahz’ depicts in action. At present, this exploit takes advantage of the mode’s exfiltration feature, which can be triggered by going to any exfil point on the map. Once you do this, hordes of undead will spawn around you, giving you the perfect opportunity to rinse them for heaps of XP.

Before you do launch into a game, remember to equip any of your preferred MW3 meta weapons into your Insured Slot. When the exfil helicopter arrives to take you away to safety, don’t get onboard.  An exfil point won’t spawn until 2 minutes have elapsed in-game, so rack up some kills around Urzikstan in the meantime. After another minute has passed, the exfil point will be ready for use again. Caspahz recommends using the Energy Mine Field Upgrade to nab extra points, but we think using Tesla Storm instead will prove just as useful, as you can tether your electricity through legions of foes.

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Crucially, picking an exfil point that isn’t in the second or third threat tiers is ideal, as you’ll be able to fighter weaker enemies. Like Casphaz, we recommend turning the Squad Fill feature off in the game’s menu before dropping in. This way, you’ll be playing solo and likely won’t have anyone taking away kills you could potentially farm. Now, is it possible that this method will be patched out, but for now, this is extremely viable.

While you can still go around completing contracts and getting deeper into each threat tier, this is a safer way of ranking up your guns fast if you don’t want to run into that enormous MW3 Zombies bossMW3 Zombies is proving to be a blast so far, especially if you loved Outbreak mode from Black Ops Cold War. Is it enough to make MW3 one of the best FPS games of the year? Potentially, but when it comes to MW3 multiplayer, a selection of fresh MW3 maps outside the Modern Warfare 2 remasters would be excellent.

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Let’s face it, though some of these maps are fantastic, they’re mostly not compatible with a 2023 play style. After all, these maps did originally appear back in 2009. Nevertheless, on the Zombies front, while we still love traditional round-based gameplay, MWZ’s innovation on the tried and test survival mode is exactly what the Call of Duty franchise needs to keep it fresh. The MW3 Season 1 release date is set to bring more content too, meaning new story beats, objectives, and awesome rewards to craft the best MW3 loadouts around.