The days of fighting just ordinary undead enemies in Call of Duty Zombies are long behind us. Now, developer Treyarch continues to throw challenging foes at us in, with MW3 Zombies putting some new threats on the battlefield. The MW3 Zombies boss, the Orcus, is a new addition to the Zombies canon and can actually be taken down quicker than you think.
Now that the latest Call of Duty entry is here, like you, we’ve been slaying the undead into the late hours of the night in MW3 Zombies. Alongside grinding those MW3 Zombies camos, players like Zombies veteran ‘MrRoflWaffles’ are already completing major aspects of the new MW3 game mode. In fact, the YouTuber showcases his defeat of the Orcus boss fight, which can only be encountered by reaching the end of the story.
We timed the duration of the boss fight alongside MrRoflWaffles gameplay, from the moment the fight is triggered until the Orcus’s health bar reaches. As you can see below, our findings track that the fight can be completed in less than 3 minutes, with our timing coming in at 2 minutes and 3 seconds. For some, this might seem like it is over too quickly, which is hardly something you want out of a potential best FPS games contender.
Now, of course, there are some aspects to be aware when it comes to achieving this. The YouTuber is clearly Pack-a-Punched MW3 guns from the MW3 meta, taking them to the top tier, with ammo mods also included. Not to mention that they also have several perks active, making it far more viable to survive in a medium threat zone (as indicated by the mini-map). We can assume his squad mates are also wielding similarly powerful weapons, including the Wunderwaffe DG-2 Wonder Weapon, which the YouTuber has in their arsenal.
We suspect that attempting this with any other configuration will likely lead to an early trip back to main menu. Regardless, it is still impressive to see the Orcus defeated in such a swift manner, given the ongoing threat of hordes of undead populating the battlefield. If you want to fight the Orcus yourself, you’ll need to clear every objective that is listed in the MW3 Zombies story section on the main menu.
The Orcus looks like a great evolution of the Orda boss from Black Ops Cold War, though we’d love to see the Orda return in some capacity when the MW3 Season 1 release date arrives.
The Orda first appeared via an easter egg in the Black Ops Cold War map Die Maschine, before returning as a fully-fledged enemy in Firebase Z and Outbreak mode. With Outbreak mode serving as an influence on MW3 Zombies, it is only a matter of time before bigger and badder bosses arrive.