We know Bethesda’s Starfield might be something of a bad example when it comes to setting realistic expectations for humankind and reality in general, but a new Starfield timeline has just dropped and it reveals that humankind first arrives on Mars in 2050. So, that means Elon Musk and SpaceX – and NASA, of course – have just 26 years to get us to the Red Planet if they want to beat Bethesda. We’re giving him the rest of 2023 off, mind you. If you can’t wait for that, though, the Starfield release date is closer than ever.
If you’re wondering just what the heck we’re on about, Bethesda’s official Starfield site has been updated with a short timeline of events leading to the start of Starfield – which continues to look like one of the best Xbox RPG games we’ve ever seen. Starting in 2050, where “humans first arrive on Mars” all the way to 2328, where “Barret convinces Constellation to purchase Starstation”, you can find a brief overlook of all the key events that will inform the state of Starfield’s universe when it launches.
Some interesting milestones include the fact that humans are living in space by 2100, the term “Settled Systems” is formalized in 2216 after the Treaty of Narion is signed between the UC and Freestar Collective, and that Sarah Morgan becomes the acting Chair of Constellation in 2325 – meaning she’s been in the role around five years by the time Starfield kicks off.
If you want to know more about Constellation, you can find out everything we know about all the Starfield factions right here. We also have more on all the Starfield characters you’re going to come across on your adventures here.

Of course, there’s more to Starfield than the people – as difficult as they will be to avoid completely in-game. That Starfield dev obsessed with sandwiches has made a huge Subway sandwich spaceship and you can learn more about the Starfield ship customization options right here. There’s going to be a lot of options to explore, to say the least.
Although, you can find out more about the best games like Starfield if you’re not a fan of Bethesda games – or, if you’re only here for Elon Musk.
Still looking for more? While a good Starfield wiki can be a handy source of information, our new Starfield Database goes further, offering you daily news, searchable databanks, and even interactive tools.