When the credits roll on Spider-Man 2, you’ll be left with a few questions regarding that Spider-Man 2 post credits scene. Just when we think Insomniac Games has thrown everything and the Marvel kitchen sink at PS5 players, the game’s final moments lay the foundations for a very exciting prospect. Like you, we want answers on the future of the franchise, which Marvel Games vice president Bill Rosemann provides in a new interview. Story spoilers ahead.
We’re still soaring around New York City in Spider-Man 2, itching for Spider-Man 2 new game plus to arrive. Until then, we know that the post credits scene teases the arrival of Cindy Moon (aka Silk) in the Insomniac Games canon. “When choosing characters, there’s many, many things Insomniac could have done with that last scene, but they had an idea and a vision,” Rosemann explains in a recent Marvel interview. Just like teasing Venom and the Symbiote in the first game, Rosemann says that “anything could happen”, but whether Insomniac Games acts on its own teases is another matter entirely regarding the Spider-Man 2 characters roster.
“If you don’t know who the character is, it’s just, ‘Oh, Cindy Moon! That’s an interesting name!'”, Rosemann clarifies. If you’re not familiar with Cindy Moon, the character is a somewhat new addition to the Marvel Comics universe, debuting back in April 2014 in The Amazing Spider-Man. In this universe, the same irradiated spider that bit Peter Parker also imbues Cindy with powers too. Talk about coincidence, hey? Since taking on the moniker of Silk, they have teamed up with Spider-Man variants, such as Spider-UK (yes, that’s a real hero).

Though it is likely we won’t see Cindy fight any Spider-Man 2 villains in any future DLC expansions, Rosemann adds “if you do know who Cindy Moon is or if you’re friends with someone who knows, they’re like, ‘They didn’t just make up a fake name or generate a name. They picked an existing Marvel name, and let me tell you who that is.'” With Spider-Man 2 PS5 sales reporting impressive numbers, we don’t think it will be long until Insomniac Games announced another spin-off title or even Spider-Man 3.
On whether we will see her in the future, Rosemann says “we’re not making any promises, but again, we like to pick things that we know that people will react to and appreciate […] as for what will happen or not happen with Cindy Moon, we shall see.” Spider-Man 2 is one of the best PS5 games you can play right now, and of course, Cindy Moon isn’t the only character that appears at the end of the game.
Insomniac Games has been teasing Norman Osborne’s transition in the Green Goblin over the course of the franchise, and with Spider-Man 3, it seems like that arc may be completed. “We know Marvel audiences are as smart as or smarter than we are. We always keep that in mind, and so we know anything we do or don’t do will be picked up on, and we don’t want to mislead anyone,” Rosemann adds.

Furthermore, he says that Insomniac Games “love long-term burns […] there are characters who, over the years, eventually either became a villain or became a hero, but it’s a long burn. It’s just fun. It’s fun as storytellers, and it’s fun as the audience.” The notion of Spider-Man 2 DLC is exciting, and the apparent Daredevil and Fantastic Four teases could be extremely cool if they come to fruition. Daredevil’s street level antics would be perfect to explore, and we hope to see the iconic Hell’s Kitchen hero down the line.