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Helldivers 2’s “second galactic war” begins after this huge failure

The real fight begins for Helldivers 2 players after failing a huge Major Order, as Arrowhead ushers in the next chapter of warfare.

Helldivers 2 second galactic war: An image of a Helldiver fighting in space.

While Helldivers 2 players have been mostly efficient at dealing with Terminids and Automatons, the ultimate price for failure must be paid now. The arrival of a new faction enemy faction has been anticipated for weeks, and it looks like Arrowhead is finally getting ready to lift the veil on a deadly interstellar foe. Now, a new Helldivers 2 Major Order is underway.

Arrowhead previously tasked the Helldivers 2 community with an enormous Major Order: eliminate 2 billion Automatons. Usually, these challenges are dealt with fairly quickly in the hit co-op game, but this time it proved too difficult to overcome. Following the brutal failure of this Major Order, a new in-universe broadcast says that “citizens of all ages and classifications are signing up to serve in what is now being called ‘the second galactic war’.”

This broadcast marks a pivotal moment in Helldivers 2 history, as the return of the Illuminate threat is likely to be on the horizon. Previously seen in the multiplayer game‘s predecessor, this faction is just as terrifying and efficient at defeating Helldivers as much as the fierce Automatons. With Sony getting ready for a new PlayStation Showcase soon, we reckon an exciting reveal event could emerge there.

Helldivers 2 second galactic war: An image of the Helldivers 2 SEAF enlistment chart.

In the meantime, the game’s latest Major Order requires PS5 players to “kill or dismantle the targeted number of Freedom’s enemies.” According to this nifty Helldivers 2 galactic battle tracker, only 19% of enemy forces have been eliminated at the time of writing. Players have four days left to complete the Major Order, gaining 50 Medals in return for a valiant pushback against incoming foes.

The good news is that you’ve got an entirely fresh arsenal of weapons to wreak havoc in space with. Arrowhead recently introduced the Polar Patriots Warbond, which unleashes an icy wave of democracy across your inventory. This Warbond is worth acquiring just for the Motivation Shocks alone. Able to get you out of a pinch, this new item jolts you with electricity to kick in those survival instincts.

Helldivers 2’s return to galactic glory comes after the Steam x PSN linking debacle, which put the game’s reputation on the line. Now this is resolved, it remains one of the best PS5 games.

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