Getting stuck into FC 24 Ultimate Team is where many players will sink a lot of hours in EA Sports’ FIFA successor. The thrill of packing a legendary player is unmatched, but Ultimate Team Evolutions pays attention to your squad mates that already waiting in the wings when you arrive. Not only is Ultimate Team back, but its new layer of polish isn’t to be missed.
Game design director Richard Walz clarifies that FC 24 Ultimate Team Evolutions lets you “pick your favorite players and upgrade them throughout the year. All you have to do is […] complete objectives with them and then get their upgrades”.
Objectives can include parameters such as completing 20 passes with your desired player, which then progresses their ability on the pitch. That can be things such as improving their weak foot or passing. You’ll be taking any of your lowest-rated players to Ultimate Glory, and that sounds wicked to us.

EA Sports specifies in a recent statement that players can enrich “their individual skills, play styles, overall ratings, and even how their player items look.” Levelling player items help to give your squad a distinct sense of personality, too, making your club favorites stand out within your line-up.
Ultimate Team producer Jean Teather details that “we’ve never had anything quite like this […] there’s so much to love about what this unlocks for people’s passions, for players, regardless of where they’re at in their development.” This applies to both men’s and female’s soccer teams, too.
We’re sure you’re already planning out your EA Sports FC 24 Ultimate Team journey. In the past we’ve seen players flex their best cards on us, and you’ll be able to do the same thanks to FC 24 crossplay. But if you’re really curious as to how it works in-depth, here is a handy EA FC 24 Ultimate Evolutions guide to get you prepared ahead of the FC 24 release date.
But before that moment arrives for PS5 and Xbox owners, there is still much to get acquainted with as you decide to get your FC 24 pre-orders sorted out. If you’re privy to a bit of banter on the pitch, you’ll likely want to know who will be calling you out for poor passing or terrible penalties. EA Sports has confirmed the FC 24 commentators roster, which includes familiar voices and new additions.