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Cracked Apex Legends player racks up 874 Catalyst kills in first day

Apex Legends' Catalyst is here and one battle royale player has already managed to get a staggering 874 kills with her just 24 hours after she was released

Apex Legends Catalyst 24 hours kill record: an image of Catalyst looking angry

Now, we know we’ve talked about how Apex Legends wants Catalyst to appeal to every playstyle, but is she really that good at getting kills? Well, in the right hands, it seems so. Catalyst has only been available for around 24 hours and one Apex Legends player has already racked up a whopping 874 kills with her. We know she debuted fairly high on our Apex Legends tier list, but at this rate, she’s going to have to be moved up into a tier of her own.

Looking at the statistics provided by Apex Legends Status, it appears that content creator ‘IllSpooky’ has managed to get over kills with Catalyst in her first 24 hours of being available in what is one of the best competitive FPS games out there right now. To put that into some sort of perspective, that’s around 36 kills an hour, on average.

A content creator for SoaR Gaming, IllSpooky isn’t a stranger to being on top when it comes to this battle royale. As you can see from their Twitch channel, they were the number one Arena Predator in Season 11 and formerly the number one Crypto and Fuse on all platforms. It certainly looks like they can add Catalyst to that list, if this is how they’re starting things off.

As a counter to the scan meta, Apex Legends’ Catalyst is Seer’s worst nightmare – but she might be everyone’s worst nightmare if more than a select few manage to unlock her full potential like IllSpooky has.

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We love that Apex Legends’ Catalyst was made with love, but she’s not the only new addition to Apex Legends – and we’re not talking about the fact that Apex Legends’ Eclipse update is changing the weapon meta with a hop-up shake up. No, we’re talking about Broken Moon.

Apex Legends’ devs were unsure if Ranked players would like Broken Moon, but it was designed with LTMs like Control in mind and it’s the only place you can climb the Apex Legends ranks right now.