Do you want to know how to move the Remnant 2 The Far Woods bird? This bird will be blocking your path as you explore Yaesha and you may be curious as to what you can do to get it to fly off. Thankfully we have the exact thing you need to do to get the Remnant 2 The Far Woods bird out of your way.
This is one of many, many puzzles in Remnant 2, and no matter whether you are on PS5, Xbox, or PC, you will need one of the best Remnant 2 weapons as you will have to face a boss. Finding the best Remnant 2 class for your setup and playstyle is also a smart idea. This solution was found during our Remnant 2 review playthrough.
How to move The Far Woods Bird in Remnant 2
The Far Woods bird in Remnant 2 can be moved by killing The Mother Mind boss which can be found further in Yaesha. It is a randomly generated boss so you will just have to keep exploring to face it. Once you have moved the bird, you can pick up the Kuri Kuri Charm.
The boss is found in The Nameless Nest after all. This amulet that boosts Relic use speed by 10% for every 10% of your health you don’t have. It also has a 7% chance to not consume your relic at all. While solid, it isn’t quite one of the best Remnant 2 amulets, unfortunately.
There have been reports on Reddit and social media that this can glitch and despite defeating The Mother Mind, the bird will still be there. However, some solutions have included revisiting the area with the boss and then returning, as well as just returning to The Far Woods after teleporting out. So, just keep giving it a go and you will eventually be able to get up to the bird’s nest.
Now that you know how to move the Remnant 2 The Far Woods bird, you can continue on through Yaesha. Seeing as you are here, why not take a look through our puzzle guides including our Remnant 2 The Lament guide and Remnant 2 Cathedral of Omens walkthrough? Our full Remnant 2 walkthrough also has a bunch of tips and guides to help you out too.