HoYoverse has revealed the Honkai Star Rail Jing Yuan banner four-star characters, and Trailblazers are in for an absolute treat. The lucky trio getting a rate-up in one of the best RPG games are some of the best four-stars currently available, making it a dream to build pity on the banner, or straight up go for those all-important Eidolons.
According to HoYo, Jing Yuan will be flanked by Honkai Star Rail characters March 7th, Sushang, and Tingyun – all of whom are top-tier in the Honkai Star Rail tier list. Trailblazers, you are probably going to want to dip into your Stellar Jade stockpiles for this one, if you weren’t already considering doing so after the Jing Yuan banner Light Cones were recently revealed.
While March 7th may be quite on the same level as Fire Trailblazer or Gepard in the Preservation category, she is an incredibly capable shielder, and at E6 she gains the ability to heal shielded allies, too. If you’re running Clara – who is already a must-combo character with March – then you’re in for a good time.
Next up is Sushang. While the Hunt contingent all fall short of Seele’s monstrous output potential, Sushang still puts up impressive numbers, and is a particularly valuable addition to those without Clara looking to farm World 3 of the Simulated Universe.

Closing out the lineup – which you can see for yourself over on Twitter – we have Tingyun. Alongside Bronya she’s a must-have if you’re looking to maximise the potential of your hypercarries. While Seele is the primary benefactor of Tingyun, any Hunt character will be glad to receive the damage buffs and energy that the Foxian provides. We’ve even found joy utilising her in a Clara team alongside Natasha and March 7th thanks to the Svarog uptime she offers.
Indeed, whether you’re trying your hand at bringing Jing Yuan home at the tail end of the Honkai Starn Rail 1.0 banners, or are trying to build pity ahead of the Honkai Star Rail 1.1 banners, you’re going to be laughing. Good luck on your pulls, Trailblazer.