One of the best features of Helldivers 2 is its ongoing and ever-evolving galactic war against the Terminid and Automatons threats out for Super Earth blood. Following a recent surprise revelation that this war is orchestrated by a special game master at developer Arrowhead – named Joel – the success of the game has resulted in more work than the studio could handle. As a result, Arrowhead has announced an “emergency expansion” of the Helldivers 2 game master role, which can only mean more conniving plans for PS5 players.
Responding to a player in the official Helldivers 2 Discord server ruminating on the challenging role of game master, community lead Katherine Baskin confirms that Arrowhead has “done an emergency expansion to the GM’s team”.
Following the breakout success of the new PS5 game, which has quickly cemented itself as one of the best co-op games on PS5, planning the galactic conflict has become a much bigger project than initially expected. “Unfortunately, our scope was much narrower at launch”, Baskin explains, as the studio expected fewer players and more streamlined communication as a result.
At the time, Helldivers 2’s game master was “only one guy, and he was just not sleeping”, Baskin reveals. “I remember over the launch weekend, he was sending me messages at 4am because we were the only ones still awake.”
While we’ve been fighting hard to liberate and defend various planets in the ever-evolving Helldivers 2 story, there has evidently been a lot of hard work to pull the string and bring it together. The surprise early addition of Helldivers 2 vehicles – with more Stratagems to come – has no doubt been a highlight, however, showcasing the success this approach has had within the game’s community.
Baskin also reveals that “it’s on [their] list to do some deep dives into the GM systems” to shine a light more on the process that goes into planning the galactic conflict. “But we have to free up some time for him”, Baskin goes on to say, so it could be some time before we learn more about the complex inner workings behind the inside jobs against Super Earth.
Worry not though, the Terminid and Automatons never sleep, so there is plenty to be doing in the meantime. Just make sure you’re using this new Helldivers 2 galactic war tracker to help turn the tide before the third faction is added and the chaos ramps up further. For more PlayStation news, find out all about a remaster for this underrated PlayStation exclusive which could hit PS5 soon.