Are you wondering who is Ifrit in Final Fantasy 16? Early on in the game’s story, you are greeted with the mystery as Joshua turns into Phoenix. Fighting against Phoenix as Ifrit, you don’t yet know who is the Dominant of the second Eikon of Fire. However, there are some guesses you can make based on that specific quest and hints from the developers.
But, if you want to know for sure who is behind one of the most iconic Final Fantasy 16 Eikons then you can get a full explanation below. However, do be warned, there are spoilers in this article. So, if you would rather not know about this mystery and some of the story revelations surrounding it come back for a full explanation after you discover who the person behind the Eikon in Final Fantasy 16 is.
Who is Ifrit in Final Fantasy 16?
Ifrit in Final Fantasy 16 is Clive. Our protagonist is the dominant of the Eikon of Fire. After the night at Phoenix Gate, Clive Rosfield embodies the second Eikon of Fire in a fit of panic and rage after seeing a figure once Joshua awakens the Phoenix. This causes Clive to fully awaken Ifrit.
This revelation eventually leads Clive down a part of revenge and war, as he traverses Final Fantasy 16’s Valisthea. Eventually, the story explains how and why Clive is Ifrit and the second Eikon of Fire in the ‘Buried Memories’ Final Fantasy 16 quest, as within the world it is believed only one Eikon of each element can exist.
But, we don’t want to go into too many spoilers here, so you can discover that for yourself. If you are excited to see just how the story evolves though, our Final Fantasy 16 review goes in-depth on just why the Final Fantasy 16 characters and epic tale make it one of the best PS5 games.

That covers who is Ifrit in Final Fantasy 16. If you are keen to get an understanding of even more of the game, let us take you through what to expect from the Final Fantasy 16 new game plus mode, as well as the best abilities in Final Fantasy 16. You can also find more guides and tips in our Final Fantasy 16 walkthrough for the game.