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Diablo 4 Barbarian weapons

Learn the ins and outs of the Diablo 4 Barbarian weapons, from all the available types and how to switch weapons, to the powerful Unique weapons they can equip.

Diablo 4 Barbarian weapons: A male Barbarian holding two weapons at the ready.

With hordes of demons to slay and loot to collect, figuring out all the gear you can get can be confusing. To give you a helping hand, here’s everything you need to know about the Diablo 4 Barbarian weapons, including all the Unique items and how to switch weapons as the Barbarian.

Once you’ve got a solid grasp of the arsenal of Diablo 4 Barbarian weapons at your disposal, you’re well on your way to creating the best Diablo 4 Barbarian build. Having the best Diablo 4 build and weapons you can get will no doubt come in handy when you’re facing down the toughest of demons in challenging Diablo 4 endgame activities, so learning the ins and outs of the Barbarian weapons is a great start.

Diablo 4 Barbarian weapons

The Diablo 4 Barbarian weapons are dual wield one-handed weapons (swords, axes, maces) and two-handed weapons (greatswords, greataxes, hammers, maces, polearms). Furthermore, with the Arsenal System, Barbarians can equip up to four weapons at once.

The Barbarian in Diablo 4 is a master of close-quarters combat, bringing up to four different weapons into battle using the Arsenal System, more than any of the other Diablo 4 classes. You have likely noticed that the Barbarian’s abilities in the Diablo 4 skill trees require specific weapon types to be equipped, though no manual swapping is needed. So long as the weapon type is equipped in your inventory, the skill will automatically use that weapon when casted thanks to the Arsenal System weapons.

It’s also worth noting that each of the Barbarian weapon types have different properties due to the Barbarian’s Expertise skill:

  • One-handed axes – Critical Strike Chance effects
  • One-handed maces – Stunned effects
  • One-handed swords – Crowd Controlled effects
  • Two-handed axes – Vulnerable effects
  • Two-handed maces – Berserking effects
  • Two-handed swords – Bleed effects
  • Polearms – Lucky hit chance and Healthy effects

Carefully consider which weapon type you’d like to use based on the build you’re going for. If you were going for a Bleed build, then you’d likely want to have a two-handed sword equipped in one of your slots. Likewise, if you’re hoping to take advantage of Berserking effects, then a two-handed axe would be best.

Diablo 4 Barbarian weapons: A Barbarian unleashing a shockwave that has defeated a group of skeletons.

Diablo 4 Barbarian weapons – Unique items

Here are all the Diablo 4 Barbarian Unique weapons so far:

Barbarian Unique weapon Effect
Ramaladni’s Magnum Opus (one-handed sword) Skills using this weapon deal increased damage per point of Fury you have, but you lose Fury every second.
Ancients’ Oath (two-handed axe) Steel Grasp launches two additional chains. Enemies hit by Steel Grasp are Slowed for a short duration.
Hellhammer (two-handed mace) Upheaval ignites the ground, Burning enemies for additional damage over a short duration.
Overkill (two-handed mace) Death Blow creates a shockwave, dealing a percentage of its base damage to enemies. Those who die to this effect also reset Death Blow’s cooldown.
Fields of Crimson (two-handed sword) While using this weapon, damaging at least damaging at least one enemy with Rupture creates a pool of blood that deals Bleed damage over time. Enemies standing in the pool take increased Bleed damage.

These come from a datamined build which revealed many of the Unique items that are available in Diablo 4, which was collated in a Reddit post by ‘MrMonstrosity’. There will be more Unique Barbarian weapons in the full game, though we’ll have to wait and see what exciting effects these will have.

Unique items are rare drops that come with incredibly powerful and valuable effects, many of which will be the centrepiece of your build. Being more powerful than Legendary items, you’re definitely going to want to get your hands on some of the Barbarian Unique weapons.


Diablo 4 how to switch weapons on Barbarian

To switch weapons as Barbarian in Diablo 4, open the skills menu to find the relevant skill and cycle through the available weapons. As the game automatically swaps to the necessary weapon when you activate a skill, you only need to assign one from the skill menu.

By default, Diablo 4 will automatically assign the strongest equipped weapon for each relevant skill, but you can change this if you would like to using the method above. For example, if you want to gain the unique weapon properties of a specific weapon type, then it’s worth heading into the skill menu to change it manually.

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And that’s everything you need to know about the Diablo 4 Barbarian weapons, including Unique Barbarian weapons and how to swap weapons with this weapon’s expert. Once you’re geared up, take on the challenging Diablo 4 world bosses or head into the Diablo 4 Fields of Hatred for some PvP action.