We know you don’t need us to tell you this, but Bungie’s Lightfall expansion for Destiny 2 is going to be huge. From new Exotic weapons to another chapter in this looter shooter’s ever-growing narrative, there’s going to be a lot to unpack when this update arrives. However, there are also the brand new Destiny 2 Strand subclass abilities to explore – something that Bungie has just shared loads more information about. Interestingly, it looks like legendary Warlock Osiris is going to be the one showing your Guardian the ropes – which also suggests he’s going to have quite a large role to play when it comes to the narrative unfolding on Neomuna.
For a while now, we’ve known that Lightfall was going to introduce a new set of subclasses to Destiny 2, but Bungie was keeping tight-lipped about the details. Now, though, thanks to this Destiny 2 Lightfall Strand Trailer, we know quite a lot more about how these new abilities are going to shake up gameplay for Warlocks, Titans, and Hunters alike.
Oh, and there’s going to be a new batch of Destiny 2 Strand weapons for players to get their hands on – which we can imagine will work very nicely with the new subclasses.
As previously confirmed by Bungie, Lightfall is going to introduce the Berserker, Broodweaver, and Threadrunner subclasses to its’ looter shooter through the Strand. While we’ve seen and read some light details about each subclass, now we know a whole lot more.
The Destiny 2 Titan Strand subclass – Berserker – is going to allow Guardians to take advantage of Frenzied Blade; this melee ability equips Titans with Strand arm blades that can sever victims and decrease their damage output – all while dealing damage themselves. This then ties into the Beserker subclass’ Super ability: Bladefury. Not only is this going to buff Frenzied Blade, which becomes the light attack while using this Super, but it also builds attack speed with each connecting hit.
If you’re not sure you want to get up-close and personal with enemies, though, the Destiny 2 Warlock subclass – Broodweaver – will allow them to summon Threadlings; these are “explosive minions woven from Strand matter” – according to this Bungie blog post with more information. However, Broodweaver is also going to culminate in a Super named Needlestorm. This is going to allow Warlock Guardians to launch a “fusillade” of spikes into opponents – that then explode when attached to enemies.
We don’t know about you, but that sounds like a lot of fun. You can see both of those, and the Destiny 2 Hunter subclass – Threadrunner – in action below:

As you may already be able to work out, Threadrunner subclass Hunter Guardians are getting a kit that’s focused on grappling and mobility. Not only can they use a rope-dart weapon to move around with the Super Silkstrike, but they can also launch this at multiple enemies with Threaded Spike melee attack. For those who prefer an acrobatic playthrough, this is going to be the subclass for you.
What does this all mean for Osiris? Well, only time will tell – but we know he’s going to have a big part to play in this next chapter of Destiny 2. For now, though, there’s so much to learn about this strange new element: Strand. From three new debuffs being introduced to combat, to a whole host of new aspects to learn, it’s going to be exciting. Check out this Destiny 2 Strand guide for more information ahead of time – and prepare for an unforgettable trip to Neptune.