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Camo grinders we’re so back, MW3 Shipment playlist is inbound shortly

It was bound to happen eventually, Call of Duty grinders. MW3 Shipment is coming, so if you've been eager to earn those camos, now is the chance.

MW3 shipment playlist

Unbridled chaos is where the Call of Duty franchise shines the most, and only one map represents that notion to the fullest extent. Nope, it isn’t Rust, even though we love that quickscoper haven. We’re talking about the arrival of MW3 Shipment of course, which sees the classic Modern Warfare map return once more, this time with all the bells and whistles that Modern Warfare 3 has to offer.

The MW3 meta will be out in full force soon, meaning that you’ll need to put together some of the best MW3 loadouts for grinding weapon camos with, as developer Sledgehammer Games is officially bringing Shipment to Modern Warfare 3 on Thursday, November 30, 2023.

It is because Call of Duty players are absolutely smashing it when it comes to play time, as the developer says via the official Call of Duty account that players “grinded more than a full plate on Thanksgiving holiday. MW3 players racked up the most hours per player for a new premium Call of Duty release during the holiday weekend since 2019.”

Yeah, since the first Modern Warfare reboot, the latest iteration is retaining heaps of players, more so than last year’s Modern Warfare 2. Additionally, Sledgehammer Games expresses “now let’s beat it, Shipment gets added to the playlist this Thursday.” The MW3 Season 1 release date is almost here too, bringing new maps and MW3 Zombies content. It might be enough for COD fans to deem MW3 as one of the best FPS games 2023 has to offer.

MW3 Shipment

We all know that Shipment isn’t for the faint-hearted, even if you are using the best MW3 guns out there. However, alongside double MW3 battle pass XP, the time to get your hands on hard-to-get weapon skins like Priceless or Interstellar has never been more present.

Shipment isn’t coming back in ordinary fashion, though. Many of you will want to continue taking advantage of the small scale action that Rust provides, and Sledgehammer Games is aware of this. That’s why you can play both maps in a brand-new MW3 Rustment playlist, which merges the two together across several different game modes like Domination, Team Deathmatch, and Hardpoint.

Shipment first arrived into the franchise with 2007’s Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare. The map’s bare-bones approach quickly became a fan-favorite locale with fans, as there is barely anywhere to camp or exploit the map. It is pure Call of Duty action through and through.


Because of how easy it can be to acquire kills in a rapid succession, this is an excellent opportunity to check off any MW3 Aftermarket Parts on your list, as you’ll be gaining XP incredibly fast. Well, that’s if you don’t get obliterated by kill streaks, grenades, and more along the way.