Many a PC gamer would die on the hill that the age-old mouse and keyboard is the superior setup for FPS games, and while that’s often the case, MW3 stands out as using a controller is the way to go. Yes, Xbox and PS5 players have an advantage over PC when it comes to competitive Call of Duty MW3, and it’s all down to your trusty controller.
MW3 has been off to a great start, with MW3 Season 1 having added heaps of new maps and guns to sink our teeth into. We’ve had a blast digging into the MW3 meta, picking out all the best MW3 guns and best MW3 loadouts, though it’s easy to overlook the most obvious tool in your arsenal – your input device. Whether a mouse and keyboard or controller is best for Call of Duty has been a debate since time immemorial, though this has reached its peak in MW3.
What makes playing MW3 with a controller the superior option? Most importantly, controller players – whether you’re on PS5, Xbox, or even PC – have the advantage of aim assist. In MW3, we’ve found this feature to be significantly overtuned, especially regarding rotational aim assist which kicks in to help track an enemy player’s movement in close range and keep your shots on target. With faster movement in MW3 and the prevalence of snipers in the meta right now, as well as extremely close-range weapons like the WSP Swarm and Rival-9, the benefits of aim assist are more apparent than ever. Reddit user ‘TheBeaverRetriever’ has gone as far as calling a controller “basically a hack” in comparison to a mouse and keyboard.
When you see MW3’s rotational aim assist in action, it’s not hard to see why many players are frustrated. Unfortunately, a lot of anger has been pointed towards MW3 PS5 and Xbox players and those using controllers on PC, with the idea being that using a controller is ‘cheating’ by relying on aim assist to compensate for a lack of skill, though that’s not what we’ve experienced from our testing.
However, it’s not just aim assist giving MW3 PS5 and Xbox players a leg-up. While a mouse and keyboard give you better ‘snaps’ to quickly land the first shot on an enemy, you’ll find the weapon sway, visual recoil, and overall lack of visual clarity an issue. Your trusty controller, on the other hand, can circumvent these issues through aim assist that ensures your aim remains on the enemy despite the layers of visual effects getting in the way.
But why does it matter that controller trumps mouse and keyboard in MW3? Well, beyond PS5 and Xbox players being able to gloat about the fact that the humble controller can outmatch one of the main advantages of PC in most games, even console players are given a choice of inputs. That’s right, you can choose to use a mouse and keyboard in MW3 on PS5 and Xbox. While you might be tempted to switch sides, as the added precision of a mouse is typically an upgrade, MW3 is built differently. Likewise, crossplay is integral to MW3 multiplayer, with all players able to play together no matter their input device. Fret no though, as we console gamers won’t be at a disadvantage when it comes to racking up a high Killstreak.
Pick out the best PS5 controllers and best Xbox controllers, then as they’ll come in handy in MW3 unless changes are made to reduce the impact of aim assist and the intense visual recoil and weapon effects. Being able to dominate the arena with our stylish Starfield controller is just one of the many reasons why MW3 is among the best FPS games on console right now, even with all the new PS5 games and new Xbox games on the way.