A brand new Apex Legends update is on the way, with Season 17: Arsenal set to launch soon. Of course, this also entails a whole host of chops and changes, and developer Respawn has certainly been busy tweaking away at the popular battle royale game. Among the patch notes are a slew of balance changes, as well as the shifting of one elusive Legend into the Support Class.
According to the official change list, when the Apex Legends Season 17 release date rolls around, Mirage will leave a decoy in the Skirmisher section, skedaddling over to join Gibraltar, Lifeline, Loba, and Newcastle in the Supports. While Apex Legends fans had perhaps hoped that an entirely new Legend would begin to even out the number disparity between certain classes in one of the best battle royale games, this is certainly an alternative.
But that’s not the only change coming to the Support Class. As per the Apex Legends patch notes, Support Bin secret compartments will now guarantee a Shield Battery, and will award Mobile Respawn Beacons for dead allies, even if you don’t have their banner card. Additionally, Support Class players will no longer be the designated Legend Banner crafter, with any player in their team now being granted the ability to do so as long as a Support Legend constitutes part of their team composition.
Of course, there’s much more to the upcoming Apex Legends update than Support Class tweaks. A new Legend, Ballistic, is on the way – you’ll want to check out the Apex Legends Ballistic abilities to learn all about what he’s capable of – alongside a new weapon mastery system, map POI changes, and more.
Suffice to say, the Apex Legends update looks to be a bit of a beast, so be sure to swot up before you dive back into the Apex Legends ranks. Good luck, Legends.