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Trek To Yomi stamina upgrade locations

Looking for all the Trek To Yomi stamina upgrade locations? Here is where you can find all of the items within the game's seven chapters

Trek To Yomi Stamina Upgrade Locations: Hiroki can be seen fighting an enemy in front of a blazing building

Alongside the health upgrade locations, Trek To Yomi has a few other items you can find in levels. One of the other most important items is stamina upgrades and there is a number of Trek To Yomi stamina upgrade locations scattered around the levels.

These are hidden away in corners of the level or tucked in the environment and can be tricky to find. Therefore this guide will help you find all the Trek To Yomi stamina upgrade locations in the game’s seven chapters.

Stamina upgrades are few and far between in Trek To Yomi, with a couple in each level, so if you do want to significantly increase your stamina you will want to find as many of them as possible. And you can find each of them in the game’s seven chapters below with images to help you orientate yourself.

Trek To Yomi Stamina Upgrade Locations

There are a number of stamina upgrade locations in Trek To Yomi, which can be found across the game’s levels.

Chapter 1 Stamina Upgrade Locations

There are two stamina upgrade locations in chapter 1 of Trek To Yomi:

Trek To Yomi Stamina Upgrade Locations: The stamina upgrade location can be seen in the level.

Stamina Upgrade 1

The first stamina upgrade can be found towards the end of the level. Eventually, you will enter a building and have the option to go up the stairs. Instead of going up them, head into the room to the left to find the stamina upgrade.

The stamina upgrade location can be seen in the level.

Stamina Upgrade 2

The second stamina upgrade can be found after you reach the outer fields of the village. When you reach the junction in the path, instead of heading left, take the right path to find the stamina upgrade on a stone at the end of the area.


There are four stamina upgrade locations in Trek To Yomi’s chapter 2:

Trek To Yomi Stamina Upgrade Locations: The stamina upgrade location can be seen in the level.

Stamina Upgrade 3

At the start of the level, head to the left to find a stamina upgrade on a box by a broken cart.

Trek To Yomi Stamina Upgrade Locations: The stamina upgrade location can be seen in the level.

Stamina Upgrade 4

After exiting the mines, you can find another stamina upgrade on a log by the shrine.

Trek To Yomi Stamina Upgrade Locations: The stamina upgrade location can be seen in the level.

Stamina Upgrade 5

When you reach the set of buildings after exiting the outskirts, head up to the first house in the background to find the stamina upgrade on the table.

Trek To Yomi Stamina Upgrade Locations: The stamina upgrade location can be seen in the level.

Stamina Upgrade 6

Much further on into the level, you will cross a bridge and kill some enemies. Before continuing forward across the small boats, head to the left of the area and into the final house of this section of the village. Inside, you can find a collectible and a third stamina upgrade.

Chapter 3 Stamina Upgrade locations

There are four stamina upgrade locations scattered throughout chapter 3 of Trek To Yomi:

Trek To Yomi Stamina Upgrade Locations: The stamina upgrade location can be seen in the level.

Stamina Upgrade 7

After you pass the enemies on horses, instead of heading back into the village, take the path to the right to find the upgrade by a stone.

Trek To Yomi Stamina Upgrade Locations: The stamina upgrade location can be seen in the level.

Stamina Upgrade 8

After you head back into the village you will enter a building. On the lower floor there will be some shelves in a room. On the shelf, you can find the stamina upgrade.

Trek To Yomi Stamina Upgrade Locations: The stamina upgrade location can be seen in the level.

Stamina Upgrade 9

A little later into the level, you will come across three enemies and a set of planks hanging above them. Kill the enemies, and head up the makeshift ramp to find a stamina upgrade on a box, in front of a building.

Trek To Yomi Stamina Upgrade Locations: The stamina upgrade location can be seen in the level.

Stamina Upgrade 10

Just before the end of the level, you will come across a set of burning stalls. The screen is easy to identify thanks to a banner in the foreground. Here, you can find a stamina upgrade on the ground.

Chapter 4 Stamina Upgrade Locations

There are five stamina upgrades in Trek To Yomi chapter 4:

Trek To Yomi Stamina Upgrade Locations: The stamina upgrade location can be seen in the level.

Stamina Upgrade 11

About a third of the way through the level you will come across a gazebo. Head under it and over to the cliffside to find the stamina upgrade on the cliff.

Trek To Yomi Stamina Upgrade Locations: The stamina upgrade location can be seen in the level.

Stamina Upgrade 12

When you reach the barn, take the ladder up to the upper-level walkway. You can then find the next stamina upgrade by a shelf on the upper walkway.

Trek To Yomi Stamina Upgrade Locations: The stamina upgrade location can be seen in the level.

Stamina Upgrade 13

When you get back outside from the barn, you will be presented with two paths after climbing a small cliff. Ignore the wooden pathway to the left and take the right path. Up here, push the tree down to find the upgrade on the cliff.

Trek To Yomi Stamina Upgrade Locations: The stamina upgrade location can be seen in the level.

Stamina Upgrade 14

From there, continue through the level until you reach the marshlands. Before you climb up to the upper decking, head to the end of the lower deck to find the stamina upgrade.

Trek To Yomi Stamina Upgrade Locations: The stamina upgrade location can be seen in the level.

Stamina Upgrade 15

When you make it back amongst a group of buildings, you will reach a large square with multiple cages. Walk through the path to the back left to find a small side area, with the stamina upgrade in the foreground, by a cage with a prisoner.

Chapter 5 Stamina Upgrade Locations

There are four stamina upgrades in Trek To Yomi chapter 5:

Trek To Yomi Stamina Upgrade Locations: The stamina upgrade location can be seen in the level.

Stamina Upgrade 16

Early on in the level, you will head down a cliff overlooking a large tower. Before you enter the first building, look on a barrel to find the upgrade.

Trek To Yomi Stamina Upgrade Locations: The stamina upgrade location can be seen in the level.

Stamina Upgrade 17

A little later into the level you will reach a courtyard with one of the symbol puzzles. Before completing the puzzle, head behind the statue on the right of the courtyard to find the stamina upgrade.

Trek To Yomi Stamina Upgrade Locations: The stamina upgrade location can be seen in the level.

Stamina Upgrade 18

Further, into the level, you will enter a large building with multiple boss fights. Eventually, you will come across a screen door that opens in the centre of the screen and leads to a staircase. Head up that staircase, and head across the floating platform to the left to find the stamina upgrade.

Trek To Yomi Stamina Upgrade Locations: The stamina upgrade location can be seen in the level.

Stamina Upgrade 19

Much further into the level, you will climb up multiple small cliffs and need to head down a path to the right. Before that, head to the left and go underneath a rock. Here, you can find the stamina upgrade next to a shrine.

Chapter 6 Stamina Upgrade Locations

There are two stamina upgrades in chapter 6 of Trek To Yomi:

Trek To Yomi Stamina Upgrade Locations: The stamina upgrade location can be seen in the level.

Stamina Upgrade 20

The first stamina upgrade can be found early into the level after you pass the large stones with runs and climb up the hill. It is sitting in the foreground, in the corner of the screen.

Trek To Yomi Stamina Upgrade Locations: The stamina upgrade location can be seen in the level.

Stamina Upgrade 21

When passing through the burning villages, connected by wooden planks and small islands much later in the level, you will see a stamina upgrade on the ground, just right of a cart and dead body.

Chapter 7 Stamina Upgrade Locations

There is only one stamina upgrade location in Chapter 7 of Trek To Yomi:

Trek To Yomi Stamina Upgrade Locations: The stamina upgrade location can be seen in the level.

Stamina Upgrade 22

Towards the end of the level, you will hop down to an alley, with a light shining through the path ahead. Before heading up, towards that light, look to your right to find a stamina upgrade on the box.

That is every stamina upgrade location in Trek To Yomi. For more tips and tricks, check out our guide on the collectible artifact locations in the game and our other guides which are in our Trek To Yomi walkthrough.