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Street Fighter 6’s coolest feature is a nostalgia trip for Capcom fans

While some PS5 and Xbox owners are dominating Street Fighter 6 World Tour mode, others are booting up the Capcom fighter to revisit Street Fighter 2 instead.

Street Fighter 6 Chun Li and Street Fighter 2 gameplay

The alleyways and sidewalks of Metro City are calling your name in Street Fighter 6. Once you’ve dabbled with your Street Fighter 6 character creation options, you may want to take a trip down memory lane. That’s exactly what many SF6 players are already doing, as they ditch scouring the Street Fighter 6 tier list to get back to basics with Capcom classic Street Fighter 2 – and you can do it too.

The latest Capcom fighter is packed pretty densely with loads of new features, with The Loadout’s Street Fighter 6 review particularly loving the new World Tour mode. Though, players like ‘CatOnASegway’ are appreciating the communities passion for the franchise, as the SF6 fan notes: “Shoutout to the guy who booted up Street Fighter 6 for the first time just to play Street Fighter 2 instead.”

The sense of community spirit is abundant with this inclusion, as Redditor ‘idontreallycarehere‘ suggests players should rally around each other like in actual arcade venues. “I can’t think of a more appealing fighting game lobby than walking around an arcade with your avatar and seeing all these other players,” says the avid SF6 fan.

Shoutout to the guy who booted up SF6 for the first time just to play SF2 instead
by inStreetFighter

Additionally, the player adds that they can “imagine sitting down at a cabinet and at any time a player can walk over and sit down next to you for a match.” You can even get some local couch multiplayer going on Street Fighter 2, but you won’t be able to take those battles online. Nevertheless, Redditor ‘Responsible-Common68‘ jokes that “I guess Street Fighter 6 is going to be the new and best social app.”

In a great nod to the franchise’s past, Capcom gives you the option to hop into the acclaimed entry. Giving Street Fighter 2 a go yourself is easy, too. All you need to do is head to the Battle Hub, go to the Game Center and you’ll find an array of arcade cabinets ready for you to enjoy.

It is understood that developer Capcom will rotate multiple classics from its library within the Game Center, so don’t hesitate to keep checking what games are available to play.

Once you’ve worn yourself out on Street Fighter 2, there is still much to be done. The Street Fighter 6 length will give you an idea of how much time to carve out for completing the World Tour mode, but if you are hankering for some old-school goodies, be sure to unlock the Street Fighter 6 classic costumes. May the best fighter win.