Spider-Man 2 opens up the Insomniac Games version of the Marvel universe greatly, bringing in familiar villains like Kraven The Hunter, The Lizard, and Venom into the fray. There’s more to be found in the game’s side quests, too, but one thing we loved about the first game is all the cheeky nods to other Marvel heroes. You’re probably looking for Spider-Man 2 easter eggs around New York City, and one awesome Daredevil nod doesn’t return in the PS5 sequel.
Leaving all the Spider-Man 2 missions behind can be so tempting, as the new Web Wings make traversal an absolute blast in one of the best PS5 games in 2023. On your travels, you’ll probably be tempted to revisit familiar spots from the first game, such as the headquarters of Nelson & Murdock, the lawyer firm co-founded by Matt Murdock aka Daredevil. Though you couldn’t go inside to say hello to Foggy, Matt, or Karen Page, you could admire their signage on the streets of New York City.
If you head back to this same location in Spider-Man 2, you’ll be greeted by an eviction notice, as well as no signage for the firm anymore. Clarification as to why this isn’t present in the game anymore is unknown, and developer Insomniac Games is yet to serve up an official lore explanation. We do know that we find all the Spider-Man 2 characters 10 months after the events of the spin-off game, Spider-Man Miles Morales, and a lot has changed in the city in that time.
Perhaps Nelson & Murdock have relocated to a brand-new office? Or has Murdock’s antics as Daredevil meant that the firm has had to close its doors? It is fun speculating how the wider Marvel lore operates in the game, especially when it comes to grander questions like who Venom is in Spider-Man 2. The first game also contained easter eggs that alluded other members of The Defenders (Daredevil’s band of Hell’s Kitchen heroes), like Jessica Jones and Luke Cage.
We’re yet to see whether these easter eggs still exist, but if you are curious all checking out the Daredevil-themed locations for yourself, then this handy compilation from YouTuber ‘KyKiske7’ has got you covered.
The game is still young, and with many players only just swinging into the story, we could be yet to see just how many hidden nods to the history of Marvel Comics are hidden in Spider-Man 2. As we said, we do love what the game’s side quest content teases all the Spider-Man 2 villains, but we’ll let you see that for yourself.

Aside from webbing up the city in Spider-Man 2, don’t forget there are other new PS5 games to keep an eye on in the near future, including the arrival of moments like the Alan Wake 2 release date and the Modern Warfare 3 release date.