Out of all the bosses in Squanch Games’ latest trying to defeat Dr. Giblets in High On life has to be one of the hardest fights in the game. He is formidable, tough, towering, and feisty, and an absolute failure at trying to stand in your way.
Yes, in case you haven’t got to him yet and are preparing for when you do, you will be pleased to know that Dr. Giblets is actually the easiest of the High On Life bosses. We lied in the last paragraph. Lacking any finesse and skill, he ends up making your fight against him a lot simpler than it needs to be. But, there are some minions to kill on the way back home which will give you tips for below.
How to beat Dr. Giblets in High On Life
Here are some tips for surviving and beating Dr. Giblets in High On Life and his minions:
- Keep at range
- Pick up Gatterel and use Trick Holes for your weapons
- Stay on the middle platform and use the shields when gas pumps into the room
As we said earlier, this fight sort of isn’t even a proper fight. Dr. Giblets accidentally kills himself by slipping over as he sees you, before you can even a shot. After grabbing his DNA though, you will be dropped into an arena. Here you will fight some small robots and regular enemies.
They can be killed quite easily by just avoiding them in the usual way and keeping them at a range. Trick Holes are good here, specifically, Gus’ and Kenny’s so use the Gatterel around the room as well. Eventually, towards the end of the fight gas will be pumped into the room. This can be avoided by jumping onto the central platform and the small pillars that raise and lower. Once everyone is dead you will have completed the encounter and can head back home.
That covers how to defeat Dr. Giblets in High On Life. You must be exhausted after attempting this fight one time and struggling against its completely normal enemies. But, if you are looking for a rundown of the High On Life weapons left to earn or the other bosses left in the last half of the game, be sure to check out our guides in our High On Life walkthrough.