In Ghostwire Tokyo, beyond completing the main story, there is a secondary objective for you to complete where you have to save all the spirits in Tokyo. But how do you save all the spirits in Ghostwire Tokyo?
Tokyo is a big city and as such, you will be tasked with saving more than 240,000 citizens who are floating around the world and hidden in every corner and crevice of the city. But, beyond, that, you can also find spirits in other ways and by completing objectives in the world. As mentioned in our guide on the length of Ghostwire Tokyo, saving all the spirits is going to take you a long time, up to 30 hours. So, if you do want to go after this accolade be sure to strap in for a long grind of collecting spirits.
Below you can find all the ways you can save all the spirits in Ghostwire Tokyo.
Ghostwire Tokyo how to save all the spirits
There are a number of different ways you can save spirits in Ghostwire Tokyo:
- Finding spirits floating in the open world
- Cleansing Torii Gates
- Completing Side Missions
- Completing Containment Cubes world activities
- Completing Hyakki Yako world activities
These are the main ways you will earn spirits in Ghostwire Tokyo and collecting them all should be paired with completing all the activities in the open world, such as finding the Jizo Statues and collectibles.
You can also buy more Katashiro, which allows you to hold more spirits before needing to upload them via a phone booth. The max number of Katashiro in Ghostwire Tokyo is 50 and you start off with only a fraction of that number, so it is worth grabbing them to save time.
You should come across enough Hyakki Yako and Containment Cubes by the time you reach 100% completion, but if you still need a few more then you will just have to wander around until they spawn.
So, there you have it. Those are the ways to save all the spirits in Ghostwire Tokyo. For more tips when it comes to the game’s collectibles, check out all of the Ghostwire Tokyo Torii Gate locations and more in our Ghostwire Tokyo walkthrough.