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Elden Ring release time - countdown to PS5 and Xbox Series X|S launch

Trying to find the Elden Ring release time? Here's when you can pre-load and play Elden Ring on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC anywhere in the world

elden ring release time and logo and bonfire

We know that Elden Ring, the highly anticipated next game from FromSoftware, will be releasing in just a few days. But a blog post has now announced exactly what time you can expect to pre-load and play Elden Ring no matter where in the world you live.

According to the post, PC players will be able to boot up the game on their machines at 3:00 PM PT/6:00 PM EST/11:00 PM GMT on February 24. The release time is global, which means no matter your time zone, you just need to extrapolate what time that is for you.

Console players meanwhile will have to wait longer, as it doesn’t release until February 24, 9:00 PM PT/11:00 PM CT. However, every other time zone and country apart from PT and CT will see Elden Ring release at midnight locally on February 25.

Pre-load is available 48 hours before these times for PC and PlayStation users, but pre-loads are available on Xbox consoles right now. So, if you’re eager to get the game on your hard drive, then get ready to stick that hefty 44 GB of Elden Ring file size on download as soon as you can.


If you can’t contain your excitement for getting absolutely battered by big FromSoft nasties, then you can always spend some team reading up on which Elden Ring starting gifts to pick or the best class in Elden Ring before you start on Friday.