Destiny 2 Wicked Implement is the Season of the Deep Exotic quest, tasking you with collecting various offerings, such as the Broken Blade of Strife to get this Stasis scout rifle. Getting your hands on this weapon is not a straightforward process, however, so here’s how to get Wicked Implement in Destiny 2 so you can complete the new Exotic quest and earn a powerful weapon in return. We’ve also got the latest info on the Destiny 2 Wicked Implement Catalyst so you don’t miss out on the exciting upgrade when it’s available.
The Destiny 2 Wicked Implement is just one of the new Exotic weapons in Season of the Deep, coming alongside Destiny 2 The Navigator and Destiny 2 Centrifuse. Though, as Wicked Implement involves several new activities and completion of an Exotic quest, it’s one of the more complicated ones to unlock. Fortunately, you won’t have to brave the Destiny 2 Ghosts of the Deep dungeon, however.
How to get Wicked Implement in Destiny 2
To get the Wicked Implement in Destiny 2, you must catch three Exotic fish to earn Broken Blades and complete the Whetstone encounter in Deep Dives.
These are the Wicked Implement quest steps:
- Fish for the Whispering Mothcarp Exotic fish in the Throne World
- Fish for the Vexing Placoderm Exotic fish on Nessus
- Fish for the Aeonian Alpha-Betta Exotic fish in the EDZ
- Deposit the fish at the HELM to receive the Broken Blade of Strife, Broken Blade of Ambition, and Broken Place of Cunning
- Offer the Broken Blade of Strife to the first Thrall statue in Deep Dive
- Offer the Broken Blade of Ambition to the second Thrall statue in Deep Dive
- Offer the Broken Blade of Cunning to the third Thrall statue in Deep Dive
- Complete the second Deep Dive encounter
- Enter the newly-unlocked room to the right of the entrance to this encounter
- Select ‘Carve a Path of Violence’ to start the Wicked Implement Exotic quest
- Follow the path to enter the new Deep Dive Whetstone encounter
- Complete the timed quest and receive the Wicked Implement
The Wicked Implement Exotic quest was time-gated, though all steps have now been released, letting players unlock this weapon until the end of the Lightfall year, before the Destiny 2 The Final Shape release date. This will come in handy as the Wicked Implement quest and the Wicked Implement Catalyst will take you quite a while to get if luck if not on your side when fishing.
Completing the steps above, involving Whispering Mothcarp, Vexing Placoderm, Aeonian Alpha-Betta, the Broken Blade of Strife, Broken Blade of Ambition, and the Broken Blade of Cunning are the main starting steps required to unlock the weapon.
Once you’ve collected these and deposited the fish at the H.E.L.M, you’ll receive the three Blades which need to be deposited in a single Deep Dive run. Deposit these at the hidden Thrall statues to unlock the timed Whetstone encounter, the final step in the Wicked Implement quest.
This video by ‘KackisHD’ details all the steps and Deep Dive Thrall statue locations if you need a helping hand:

Alongside unlocking the Wicked Implement Exotic scout rifle, completing the new Exotic quest steps will also unlock the Whetstone encounter in Destiny 2 Deep Dive needed to complete the Wicked Depths Triumph.
Importantly, this quest also means that you will need to take part in some Destiny 2 fishing to catch the Whispering Mothcarp, Vexing Placoderm, and Aeonian Alpha-Betta Exotic fish if you want to unlock the Wicked Implement. If you’re struggling, read on below for a deeper dive into each step.
Destiny 2 Wicked Implement Catalyst
The Wicked Implement Catalyst is unlocked by completing a Tier 7 Deep Dive and grants the Exotic scout rifle a unique version of Overflow that allows Stasis shards to overflow the magazine when collected.
The Wicked Implement Catalyst will grant the following effect:
- Collecting Stasis Shards gradually overflows the magazine
While this isn’t a game-changing Catalyst for the Wicked Implement, it’s undoubtedly a helpful one that’s great for keeping the main effective active as much as possible.
It’s possible that the Wicked Implement Catalyst can also be earned at lower tiers of Deep Dive, but the chances of getting the Catalyst appear to be higher during Tier 7 Deep Dive.
To activate a Tier 7 Deep Dive to get the Wicked Implement Catalyst, all three players in the Fireteam must interact with the Taken orb in each arena and complete the subsequent Pressure Trials. Doing so will trigger the Tier 7 Deep Dive event at the end of the activity, granting increased rewards, including the Wicked Implement Catalyst.
Given the difficulty of the higher tiers, we recommend teaming up with other players in a coordinated Fireteam. Either grab your friends or use an LFG tool like the official Destiny 2 Fireteam Finder to group up before taking on the challenge if you’ve got your eyes on the Catalyst for Wicked Implement.
Destiny 2 Wicked Implement Exotic quest
Here’s a more in-depth breakdown of each key step in the Destiny 2 Wicked Implement Exotic quest so you know exactly what to do and where to go to get the Stasis Exotic scout rifle.
Destiny 2 Exotic fish
You need to find three Destiny 2 Exotic fish to begin this secret Exotic quest.
Whispering Mothcarp is an Exotic fish found in the Throne World that was added in Week 5 of Season of the Deep. As it is a new addition to the collection of fish you can catch, you’ll need to head out into the Throne World and catch a fresh one to progress the Wicked Implement Exotic quest.
Vexing Placoderm is an Exotic fish found on Nessus that was added in Week 6 of Season of the Deep. As another late addition to the pool of Exotic fish, you’ll need to head out to Nessus and catch a fresh before you can progress the Wicked Implement Exotic quest. This could take you some time, especially if you don’t already have lots of the Exotic fish.
Aeonian Alpha-Betta is an Exotic fish found in the EDZ that was added in Week 7 of Season of the Deep, marking the last of the Exotic fish required for the secret quest. Head over to the fishing location in the EDZ and eventually you’ll nab yourself the Aeonian Alpha-Betta Exotic fish.
Once you’ve acquired the above Exotic fish, deposit them in the H.E.L.M to earn the three Broken Blades.
Destiny 2 Broken Blades
Depositing the Exotic fish will reward you with the Broken Blade of Strife, Broken Blade of Ambition, and Broken Blade of Cunning. These are used at the hidden Thrall statues during Deep Dive to activate the secret Exotic quest.

Destiny 2 Deep Dive statues
There are three Dive Deep statues that you need to interact with using the Broken Blades. Depicting Hive Thrall, these statues are hidden in specific areas of the Deep Dive activity.
The first Deep Dive statue can be found in the first underwater section of the activity, through a small tunnel to your right once you enter the cave tunnels.
The second Deep Dive statue is located in a small room near the entrance to the first encounter. You must successfully complete the first encounter before the door will unlock.
The third Deep Dive statue is located in a cave tunnel in the underwater section following the first encounter. You will need to head down the large ventilation shaft with the spinning fan, though this can be disabled using the switch at the bottom.
Given that the second and third Deep Dive statues require you to complete the first encounter, it’s recommended you play with other players. However, it can be completed solo if you’re up for more of a challenge.
Once you’ve interacted with all three Thrall statues, complete the second encounter. Then, enter the newly-unlocked room to the right of the entrance to this encounter. Here you will find more Thrall statues. Select ‘Carve a Path of Violence’ to start the Wicked Implement Exotic quest involving the Whetstone encounter.

Destiny 2 Whetstone encounter
The final step is completing the Whetstone encounter in Deep Dives. Once you’ve selected to ‘Carve a Path of Violence’ at the group of Thrall statues, follow the path through the underwater caves.
Eventually, you will encounter Khull, Executioner Knight. In order to damage this Taken Knight, you must first kill the Servile Minotaur that spawn. Once you deal enough damage, they will flee, letting you proceed further.
Soon, you will reach another encounter in the Wicked Implement quest, setting you with the task to ‘defeat the Taken who oppose you’. Here, a 10 minute timer will begin. Defeat the enemies in the room before shooting the two Resonant Nodes. One can be found on a pedestal in the centre of the room while the other is hidden under the stairs.
Proceed into the second boss fight where you will have to do a very similar process. To damage the boss, you must first defeat the Honed Minotaur that spawn, some of which are locked in different rooms. To open these, shoot the Resonant Nodes around the room. Once these are defeated, deal as much damage to the boss as you can.
Head into the next room where you will find the final boss, a Tormentor called Omen, Blade of the Black Terrace. Once again, find and defeat the Honed Minotaur. Doing so will grant the Deathly Sharp buff which lets you damage the boss with a short damage window. Repeat this process until the boss is defeated.
Finally, head up the stairs to find a large statue. Interact with it to ‘claim power’, marking the end of the mission. When you’ve completed the Wicked Implement Exotic quest, you’ll receive the Exotic scout rifle in your inventory.
Destiny 2 Wicked Implement perks and traits
The Destiny 2 Wicked Implement is a Stasis Exotic scout rifle with the following perks and traits:
- Creeping Attrition – Rapidly landing precision hits causes targets to become slowed (Intrinsic Perk)
- Exotic Trait – Precision final blows while Creeping Attrition is in effect create a Stasis Shard, refilling the magazine when collected.
- Exotic Catalyst – Collecting Stasis Shards gradually overflows the magazine.
The Wicked Implement is a a great addition to Stasis builds given its strong tie-ins to the subclass’ effects. With that said, it also has potential outside of Stasis builds thanks to its slowing effect offering crowd control potential in endgame activities.
However, the Wicked Implement is largely a weapon suited to endgame activities like Grandmaster Nightfalls, and that’s where we’d recommend you use it. In normal activities, enemies will die long before the unique effect can be triggered, effectively making the weapon a standard scout rifle despite it taking your Exotic slot. In tougher content though, enemies can take more bullets. This lets you trigger the unique perks of the Wicked Implement that make it an Exotic weapon. It’s also particularly strong at taking down Champions given it can both slow and freeze enemies.
If you’re a fan of PvP, the Wicked Implement has also found quite a bit of use here surprisingly. Again, enemies will die long before the freeze effect is activated, but the slow debuff can be particularly strong against other players. It is certainly be outmatched in terms of raw DPS, but if you’ve got good aim or are moving with your team, the slow effect should not be ignored.
While the Wicked Implement is often overshadowed by other weapon options in both PvE and PvP, it’s worth picking up, if only to add another unique Exotic to your collection.
Popular Destiny 2 content creator ‘Aztecross’ has done a full breakdown of the weapon in both PvE and PvP if you want to learn more:

And that’s everything you need to know about the Destiny 2 Wicked Implement Exotic scout rifle, including how to get Wicked Implement and the powerful perks unique to the weapon and its Catalyst. The special Whetstone encounter in Deep Dive is quite a challenge, so make sure you have the best Destiny 2 weapons in PvE if you’re looking to get your hands on it.