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Destiny 2’s “dumpster fire” State of the Game is bad news for Gambit

Bungie delves into the future of Destiny 2 during the recent State of the Game update, but fans are less than thrilled with the fate of the popular Gambit mode.

Destiny 2 State of the Game update

The future of Destiny 2 is looking like a mixed bag, at least in the eyes of consistently returning players. Following the recent Destiny 2 State of the Game blog from developer Bungie, concerns toward the quality of content ahead of the Destiny 2 The Final Shape release date are mounting considerably – especially for fans of the highly praised Gambit mode.

Despite laying down new plans for the game’s PvP mode, the beloved PvPvE mode Gambit won’t be seeing any worthwhile improvements. “We’ve been quiet on Gambit since last year’s overhaul […] In that revamp, the team made significant changes across five categories in Gambit: core activity fundamentals, Primeval tuning, invasions, ammo economy, and rewards.”

Nevertheless, Bungie cites “player engagement” as the mode’s main obstacle, as “this is an area of the game with lower engagement that would take resources away from more popular parts of the game to shore up.” Furthermore, the developer states that it doesn’t “have plans to dedicate more resources to significantly transform Gambit, [but] we do have a few updates planned for the year of The Final Shape.”

Players can expect to see a port of the Cathedral of Scars map and the Dreaming City setting, alongside Shadow Legions and Lucent Hive enemy types. It’s certainly a blow to the portion of the community supporting the chaotic game mode, and diehard Destiny 2 fans like ‘spencerb21’ are branding the blog post as a “dumpster fire” in response.

What a dumpster fire of a State of Play….
byu/spencerb21 indestiny2

“I mean I had low expectations but wow. Consider them shattered,” adds ‘Awestin11’. Others are more critical, believing that the eventual Marathon release date is a factor pulling away from meaningful Destiny 2 updates. Redditor ‘Immediate-Neck-3388’ says that “If it wasn’t obvious before, it is now. Marathon has all the talent. It was a good run Destiny.”

If you’ve never tried it out, Gambit mode sees players eliminate each other for tokens (Motes of Dark), which teams scramble to deposit in the center of the map – while an AI ‘Blocker’ force will try to scramble your efforts. It is chaotic, fast-paced, and a praised a great spin on PvPvE action. Regardless, the developer is focusing its efforts into Crucible PvP instead.

Bungie is planning to unveil a new map with the Destiny 2 Season 22 release date, which will be “a new Vex Network-themed map debuting along with the new Relic 6v6 mode, the gunplay-focused Checkmate modifier for multiple modes, a new Competitive Ascendant Division emblem, and more.” Players should look out for “Relic and Checkmate will [to] kick off in Crucible Labs throughout the Season, so we can gather feedback on how they are received.”

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There’s still a long wait to endure before The Final Shape arrives, but some of you may be wondering exactly ‘what is The Final Shape?’. Take this time to get brushed up on your lore or unlocking the Destiny 2 Wicked Implement weapon.