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Warzone 2 Season 2 changes the Gulag format to lock up the Jailer

Warzone 2 will bid goodbye to the Jailer, as the Gulag will roll out several tweaks to players dropping into Al Mazrah in the Call of Duty battle royale.

Warzone 2 Gulag changes: The jailer points at you in the Gulag cinematic

Warzone 2 Season 2 will shift the tides of Al Mazrah forever, especially for players finding themselves in the Gulag. The new iteration of the Gulag has drawn considerable criticism since Warzone 2’s launch. Levied at the 2v2 format and displeasing loot pool, Season 2 of the CoD battle royale will make its biggest change yet. Say goodbye to the Jailer, as developer Infinity Ward is throwing away the key.

As we advance onto the Warzone 2 Season 2 release date, we can already expect developer Infinity Ward to implement a revamped loot system and a new Resurgence map. However, one of the most pressing changes comes to the last chance saloon. Players will no longer battle each other in the 2v2 format, with Gulag gunfights reverting to the classic 1v1 scenario. You’ll be capturing the Gulag’s central flag again, just like in the Verdansk days.

That means the Jailer is gone for good.


Alongside the Jailer’s exit, the gulag’s loot pool will be upgraded to include “assault rifles, submachine guns, and light machine guns as primary weapons as the circles progress.” Shotguns are removed from the rotation, with handguns remaining as secondary weapons.

If you manage to leave the Gulag, you’ll gain a significant victory cash increase over previous wins in Season 1. Cash will now spawn across the Gulag too. This is intended to “encourage and reward players willing to prowl the arena.”

These cash tweaks are part of a much bigger bid to alter Warzone 2’s cash economy. The developer states that a “slight reduction to cash rewards for completing contracts” is coming, as well as “increasing the lowest value of cash piles from ground loot to $800 and from cash registers to $500.” These tweaks will be reflected in loot boxes across Al Mazrah: “[cash] can no longer be found in basic and legendary Supply Boxes.”

It’ll be an intriguing time to roam around Al Mazrah, but while you wait for the changes to come into force, check out this tasty Warzone 2 RPK loadout and spicy Warzone 2 M4 loadout and rake in the kills.