Just over a week after the start of Warzone Season 4 and the new Ranked season, Call of Duty has introduced new restrictions to the competitive mode that see one of the best Warzone shotguns banned alongside two troubling attachments. If you want to start climbing the ranks unapposed, while using some of the best Warzone guns without coming across over-powered opponents, you’re in luck – it’s a fantastic change. However, the wording in Warzone‘s latest patch notes suggests that you’ll still be able to find all the restricted items as ground loot – at least for now.
Looking at the ammended Warzone Season 4 patch notes here, you can see that the KV Broadside has been restricted in Warzone Ranked playlists alongside the Dragon’s Breath attachment for shotguns and Explosve Ammo attachment for sniper rifles.
Verbatim, the patch notes explain that “the KV Broadside and listed attachments will appear unrestricted in custom loadout menus until a future update, but are restricted in-game and will show as restricted in loadouts once you’re in a match”.
What does this mean? Well, it means that you won’t actually be able to use loadouts with these items in, even if it looks like you can in the lobby. So, for all intents and purposes, they’re banned now – right?
Well, not exactly. Below this, as you can see, the patch notes read that “ground loot will be updated at a later date to align with these new restrictions”. That means, at least for now, you should be able to take advantage of the popular shotgun if you can find one in-game. There’s no timeline on when the ground loot will be updated to reflect these restrictions, but for the time being, you can actually get around the Ranked mode restrictions and use the KV Broadside if you’re prepared to loot a little.
If you’re planning to check out the new map Vondel first, though, you can check out this behind the scenes look at key areas of the map right here. There are even a few golden guns to find in DMZ.

Interestingly, adding to this, the patch notes state that “restricted items may return in an upcoming Season after undergoing balance changes”. That means, in theory, you might just be able to take full advantage of the best KV Broadside loadout in Warzone Ranked at some point in the future. When it comes to Dragon’s Breath and Explosive Ammo, though, we don’t think that will be the case.
Of course, we might be wrong about that, but it does seem very unlikely given the nature of the attachments and their effects. Warzone is trying to be one of the best competitive FPS games available and something like Dragon’s Breath seems a little counter-productive to that – even though it’s a lot of fun to use. Although, the countdown to the Warzone Season 5 release date has begun – and we could see them re-introduced then.