It might be a little early to say anything for sure, but we could be about to see one of the best battle royale games available come out. The Warzone 2 release date is fast-approaching and there are a lot of reasons to be excited about that. We know we’re still asking if Warzone 2 has loadouts, but there’s a Modern Warfare 2 exploit that lets you explore the Warzone 2 map early and people are finding all sorts in Al Mazrah – including Shipment.
Following something of a confirmation that older Call of Duty multiplayer maps like Highrise and Terminal will indeed be represented on the Warzone 2 map in some capacity, one eagle-eyed Modern Warfare 2 fan has spotted fan-favourite miniature map Shipment as well. While this was one map rumoured to be appearing in the Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer at some point, it was not one linked with Warzone 2’s Al Mazrah. Well, until now.
Call of Duty content creator ‘Gaaba‘ has used a Modern Warfare 2 private match exploit to access an early version of Warzone 2’s Al Mazrah and – much like all those invincible Riot Shield users escaping multiplayer maps – found low-resolution depictions of Rust, Quarry, and Shipment on the Warzone 2 map.
While it’s hard to tell if this is a fully accurate representation of the map, it does certainly look like it from above; not only this, but Gaaba also highlights several seemingly open containers that would further suggest that Shipment is indeed coming to Warzone 2. If you want to see for yourself, you can check out the video below – it all starts at the 03:49 mark.

Interestingly, it looks like the container ship where Shipment can be found on in Al Mazrah is on the the edge of the map. So, this might not actually be a hot drop location – at least after everyone gets their initial exploratory drops out of the way.
So, you’re going to want to make sure you have the right Warzone 2 guns and weapons for the job – if you’re planning to head into this minor POI. It should go without saying but Shipment isn’t an easy place to survive – and we don’t think it’s appearance in the battle royale is going to change that.