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This Week in Apex Legends news: Horizon, Gun Run, and Golden Tickets

Another week, another entry into our This Week in Apex Legends news series; this time around, we're looking at Horizon's popularity and strange Golden Tickets

Apex Legends week news Horizon pick rate: a red-haired woman standing on a hover jeep with a smile

Hey, Apex Legends fans – it’s been a pretty exciting week for this battle royale shooter, hasn’t it? We know it’s one of the best battle royale games out there anyway right now, but everything is a little better when it’s spooky season and the Fight or Fright event is in full swing now. We know you’re itching to jump back into the fray and work on your Apex Legends rank – so, we’ll keep this brief. Here’s a quick run-through on some of the most interesting bits of Apex Legends news to come out of this past week.

We know we started last week’s This Week in Apex Legends news with Apex Legends Fight or Fright event, but… We’re doing it again. Apex Legends’ Gun Run LTM has returned – and it’s only going to be around for a few days. Introduced in Season 14’s Beast of Prey Collection Event, this LTM has quickly become a firm favourite with fans and you’ll be pleased to know you can play it right now until October 18. Then, it’s going to swap out for Control – which is far from a bad thing.

But, if you’re more interested in the meat and drink of this battle royale game – the battle royale modes – then you’ll be intrigued to know that Horizon’s pick rate is through the roof. At the moment, over a quarter of Apex Legends’ top players are now using Horizon; and, she’s quite popular with players in Platinum and above, too. Looking at Apex Legends Status, you’ll be able to see that she’s the most popular legend in Platinum, the most popular legend in Diamond, and boasts a whopping 27% pick rate in Master and Apex Predator. Not bad, eh laddie?

While we’re sitting here wondering whether this sort of high-rank dominance will persist come Apex Legends’ Season 15, tthere’s also the matter of Apex Legends’ Golden Tickets.

If you’re wondering what we’re on about, allow us to explain. It looks like Apex Legends’ Golden Tickets are your key to a new Season 15 teaser – a strange locked playlist that’s due to unlock on October 18. This playlist, titled “A New Home” is widely believed to be a teaser for an upcoming moon-based map. But, we don’t know for sure just yet. Either way, you can get your hands on one of these with Crafting Materials from a Replicator in-game – and, you only need one to unlock the playlist permanently.

In other somewhat secretive news, it looks like Respawn Entertainment has changed Apex Legends’ healing item sounds. This comes just a short time after the animations for things like Syringes and Shield Cells were altered. As you can see below, quite a few players think these new sounds make the activation and useage of the aforementioned healing items feel a lot longer. You’ll be pleased to know that the timing itself hasn’t changed, so there’s no cause for concern there. However, they’re certainly more stress-inducing when it comes to beating the storm circle or healing mid-battle.

All healing sounds were just randomly updated !!
byu/mnkymnk inapexlegends

And, to wrap things up for this week, Respawn Entertainment has dropped another teaser for Apex Legends’ next playable character and Season 15. As you can see in the image below, the teaser shared shows a tablet with three messages sitting on a table littered with tarot cards and crystals. One message is an invite to the Apex Games’ new home from Duardo Silva, another if an unopened message from a mysterious “Rose”, and the third is a generic message about the Cleo Recovery Council – an organisation working towards helping the dying planet Boreas, which is also Seer’s home planet.

Apex Legends week news Season 15 teaser: an image of a tweet showing a tablet with three messages on it as described above

We don’t know what that all means just yet, but with rumours that a Moon-based map is coming, we have to imagine that it will all tie together quite nicely. Are you hoping the new Season 15 legend makes an impact on our Apex Legends tier list? We are. It’s time for the dominance of Octane, Wraith, and Bloodhound to end. But, until next week, happy hunting.

Oh, and you can also read about this rather insane Shadow Royale-inspired Revenant buff Apex Legends fans have been tlaking about here. We’d like to think it would work, but… It just won’t.