Bright Future’s criminal venture tasks in Saints Row accurately reflect the business: monotonous and dull. But, making use of the Bright Future missions and location in Saints Row will allow you to get income nicely and also provide you with some great bonuses for what is relatively easy work.
But, in order to get the most money, you will want to drive carefully as you dispose of the toxic waste left behind by Santo Ileso’s worst companies. So, practice up on your driving skills before you tackle the tasks below.
Thankfully, Bright Future is one of the more straightforward criminal ventures in the game.
Saints Row Bright Future missions and location
The Bright Future criminal venture in Saints Row can be placed anywhere you like and for free if it is your first one, otherwise it will cost $30,000. It is most suited to being somewhere in the city, however, so you don’t have to deal with windy paths when delivering the toxic waste.
Those deliveries form the entirety of the Bright Future missions, of which there are fourteen of them. But, they are condensed down into just four as some are cumulative.
- Pickup the truck in Marin del Lago
- Stage 1 (4 trucks)
- Stage 2 (8 trucks)
- Bonus: Eliminate the five threats in the district
As you can see, in total you will need to deliver thirteen trucks from various points on the map. Generally, one can be found in each district and there are more than thirteen on the map.
The rewards for completing each stage of the mission chain here are:
- Pickup the truck in Marin del Lago – cash, XP
- Stage 1 (4 trucks) – cash (x4), XP (x4)
- Stage 2 (8 trucks) – cash (x4), XP (x4)
- Bonus: Eliminate the five threats in the district – venture income increase, XP
Once you have driven around and seen more of Santo Ileso than you can stomach, you can return back to the owner of the business to be rewarded with your final set of items. These are cash, XP, some Bright Future Crew Outfits, a Toxic Waste Truck, the Hazmat Suit for Bright Future, and a Toxic Waste Barrel collectible location. Venture complete! District owned!
And there you have it, you have completed one of the longest criminal ventures in the game. If you are looking for more help with various aspects of the game check out our Saints Row walkthrough. Or, if you are keen to read up on each of the Criminal Ventures in more detail, check out our coverage of them.