Fate can be a cruel mistress, but she can also be a benevolent one. Today, I found out she can be both simultaneously. No sooner had I published my treatise on when we can possibly expect to hear more about Sony’s rumored May PlayStation Showcase, but the firm has now confirmed that a new “30+ minute” State of Play will air tomorrow, May 30, at 3pm PT / 6pm ET / 11pm BST. Get ready for PS5 goodness.
Writing for the PlayStation Blog, senior content communications director Sid Shuman reveals that 14 new PS5 games will get airtime during the event, which will be broadcast across TikTok, Twitch, and YouTube. Though we already know PS5 exclusive Silent Hill 2 most likely won’t be there – Konami’s putting on its own Silent Hill Transmission tomorrow – we’ve already got our predictions set for which games will make the cut.
For months we have seen reports and speculation swirl around this mystery PlayStation event – if it’d happen, whether it’d be a State of Play or larger showcase, and when it’d actually take place. Earlier today I put out a think piece on whether PlayStation could shadow-drop it out of nowhere, among other possibilities based on what we knew. I spend much of that piece actively attempting to tempt fate into giving up the goods, and wow did it deliver – I am the Lisan al Gaib.
Smugness aside, I’m relieved to see a date and time finally locked in by Sony. Though I, like many others, expected a much more comprehensive hour-long showcase akin to the one we were treated to this time last year, I’ll take what I can get. By the sounds of the blog post, we won’t be getting any hardware updates, which does make me wonder when PlayStation will finally unveil its mid-gen refresh – I guess we’ll have to wait until the next update that should air sometime around September.
For more of the latest on the best PS5 games, check out the new PS5 sale that blesses FF7 Rebirth and Spider-Man 2 with their first major discounts. Additionally, peep the 12 new PS Plus games joining the service as part of PlayStation’s Days of Play event.