If you’ve been out of action and are hoping to get into the world of Payday again, the Payday 3 beta is perfect for you. But before you can start making money and making your name infamous again, you’ll need to find out how to get a Payday 3 beta code.
After 10 years of Payday 2, the Payday 3 release date is quickly approaching, and we’re hoping it’s one of the best co-op games like its predecessor. And you can find out if it’s worthy of the Payday name even sooner, that is, if you can get into the beta.
How to get a Payday 3 beta code
You can sign up for the Payday 3 beta on PC or Xbox through the Steam store page by requesting access to the playtest, or signing up via the Xbox Insider Hub app. The closed beta will take place between Wednesday, August 2, 2023, and Monday, August 7, 2023.
Since you need to sign up for the playtest, there’s no guarantee you’ll be able to get a code. Unfortunately, while the game is arriving on PS5, the closed beta is exclusive to Xbox and PC players. With the beta taking place so close to launch, we don’t expect there to be another playtest, unless Payday 3 gets an open beta close to release.
The closed beta will allow you to play as the original crew, Dallas, Wolf, Hoxton, and Chains. Unfortunately, there’s only one heist in the beta, called No Rest For The Wicked. However, you can reach Infamy Level 22 and Weapon Level 8 during the beta period.

What we thought about Payday 3
During our Payday 3 preview, we said that while “it may not be reinventing the wheel, Payday 3 appears to be replicating the ethos that Payday 2 did so well: delivering a solid sequel”. Saying that, as long as the team at Starbreeze Games can deliver the content to match the gameplay, “the decade-long wait will pay off”.
Considering we only got a slice of the action compared to what we expect from the full release, it’s looking likely that Payday 3 can deliver what fans want from a true sequel, that being more Payday, but better.
That’s everything you need to know about the Payday 3 beta, including how to get a code. Fortunately, we don’t have to wait long for one of the best Xbox co-op games and best PS5 co-op games to launch. And, it’s also doing a series first with Payday 3 crossplay too.