We know it has been a tough time for fans of the Need For Speed franchise, with several recent releases falling short of what players expect from one of the most prestigious racing game franchises ever. However, it looks like those dark times are coming to an end with Need For Speed Unbound – we all have a lot of hope that this is going to be the racing game to play on next-gen consoles and PC. If you’re wondering if Need For Speed Unbound crossplay is planned for the game, then we have the latest from Criterion and EA.
We know the series is set to take the racing game to new heights, with Need For Speed Unbound cartoon effects and a development process that focuses on extracting all the potential possible from the newer hardware. However, something like crossplay for co-op multiplayer is just as important when it comes to a good multiplayer game in 2022.
Does Need For Speed Unbound have crossplay and crossplatform support?
Need For Speed Unbound has full crossplay support, which can be seen in-game. But, despite crossplay, the game will not have cross-save support which is likely to be a disappointment to some players.
Nevertheless, crossplay is at least a nice addition to the game and should ensure the online servers remain healthy and populated over many months and years. EA has said it has plans for many post-launch updates for the game as well, so this should make grouping up in DLC races or paid DLC (if there is any easier) as well.
Well, that’s everything there is to know about Need For Speed Unbound’s crossplatform multiplayer support and crossplay options. If you’re still looking forward to the game, you can find out more about the Need For Speed Unbound release date right here. And, to get a better idea of the game, check out our guides on the full car list and what to expect from the Lakeshore City map.