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MK1 beta offers great gameplay amid “one true disappointment”

The Mortal Kombat 1 beta ushers players into the latest NetherRealm fighter, but despite satisfying combat, one element has some fans feeling underwhelmed.

MK1 beta

Players around the world are choosing their fighters in the Mortal Kombat 1 beta, which features new and familiar faces within the Mortal Kombat 1 characters roster. NetherRealm Studios shows off its refined combat and gore-tastic fatalities, but despite impressive gameplay to get hands-on with, some MK1 fans are hoping the game’s characters get more time to shine before heading into the arena.

“Loving Mortal Kombat 1 so far but man did they water down the intros. It’s my one point of true disappointment,” says Redditor ‘SaphironX’ to members of the Mortal Kombat community. Expanding on their point further, the MK1 player explains that “most of the time it’s two short lines at most. The amount of characterization the game loses because of that is surprising […] say what you will about MK11, it had the best intros in fighting game history.”

Though that latter point is up for debate, introducing fighters with memorable quips and imagery can aid to flesh out the roster. Characters like Johnny Cage are armed to the teeth with one-liners to dash out, so it’d make sense for NetherRealm to give its line-up an extra moment to steal the spotlight.

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“Not to mention that they don’t even play during towers. I really hope they change that on release. I vastly prefer solo content and I love the world-building and dialogue,” adds ‘Nightwing73’.

Sharing their perspective, MK1 fan ‘DrDisrespecttt‘ (no, not that one) vents that “towers are boring and soul-less without the dialogue […] three lines of dialogue is a big difference than two boring dialogue. It’s what made Noob Saibot an absolute savage in Mortal Kombat 11.”

Loving MK1 so far but… man did they water down the intros. It’s my one point of true disappointment.
byu/SaphironX inMortalKombat

Despite this underwhelming reaction to introductions, the gameplay itself is faring better when it comes to fan reception. Players like ‘BoonSaibotMK‘ enthusiastically say that “Kitana fucking slaps. Combos are hard to master Kameos are hard to remember. [The] graphics are amazing.”

While battling other players is fun, the beta’s lack of features in other areas has fans like ‘Thelastnaya’ laying down some minor frustrations: “Played Li Mei for an hour and I am digging her. Kind of annoying that there’s no practice mode or tutorial – makes the meta so hard to learn.”

With new mechanics like Kameo Fighters, there is certainly going to be an adjustment period for returning players and newcomers. Nevertheless, Mortal Kombat 1 may end up as one of the best fighting games in 2023. Although, Tekken 8 is approaching.