Have you reached a big event and are wondering if you should stab Gene with a knife in High On Life? Does it matter, will he actually die? Well, let’s discuss.
High On Life is not a game known for presenting you with what you would expect, often leaving you second-guessing what will happen. This is one of those first moments during the many High On Life missions where this kind of thing happens and you don’t want to kill your helper accidentally within the first hour of the game do you?
High On Life should you stab Gene with a knife?
Ultimately, it doesn’t matter if you stab gene with a knife in High On Life as you won’t actually kill him. Gene will just joke that you always do what the UI says and be back to normal. You will get yourself an achievement though!
That’s it! Yep, this isn’t the big moral decision you thought it was. It is just one of the first instances of High On Life tricking you and subverting your expectations.
Now you know if you should stab Gene with a knife in High On Life, get stuck into some of the more important actions like taking down the High On Life bosses. You can find our guides on each of them and more in our High On Life walkthrough article.