In 2019, the sequel to the cult hit Hellblade was announced, with Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 being revealed at The Game Awards’ showcase that year. Four years on, a new Hellblade 2 trailer was revealed during 2023’s TGA show, and we’re terrified of the enemies we’ll need to face and the locales to explore. But, that’s not all; there’s something else in there worth losing sleep over.
With the first Hellblade game being one of the best Xbox games right now, and one of the best Xbox Game Pass games too, we’re confident that Ninja Theory will deliver an exceptional sequel. Many of us are already planning to pick up the best Xbox controllers ahead of the game’s release so we can prepare for the horrors that await us, but the scariest thing is that, even after all of this time, there’s no launch date.
The latest trailer for the game, which debuted during the eventful The Game Awards 2023 showcase, gave us a closer look at the combat for Hellblade 2. It follows on from its predecessor quite closely, as you might expect, but it looks even more brutal and realistic; Senua’s weapons seem weightier this time around and each impact harder than before.
Not only that, but the latest look at Hellblade 2 also gave us that terrifying horror atmosphere, expanding upon the terrors that the first game delivered. There’s a fair amount of monstrous enemies in Senua’s way, but amidst the shots of combat, Senua can be seen investigating a building with handing corpses, as well as being ambushed by ashen creatures that cover her head with their hands, and more.
It’s clear that Ninja Theory is building towards making Hellblade 2 one of the best horror games of all time from what we’ve seen so far, with the fear factor turned up to 11 in the sequel. However, there’s one more thing that is equally, if not more scary than anything in Senua’s journey, and that’s the fact that there’s still no Hellblade 2 release date yet.
The announcement trailer for the sequel had no release date window or even a year for fans to look forward to, but 2023’s Xbox Games Showcase finally gave us the 2024 release window, which hasn’t changed with the latest trailer. Fortunately, Hellblade 2 will be a part of the Xbox Game Pass games library at launch; hopefully, that means we’ll get an official release date soon.
For context, Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice was first released on August 8, 2017, as a PlayStation exclusive. While the sequel won’t be on the new PS5 games list unfortunately, as Hellblade 2 is an Xbox exclusive, we wouldn’t be surprised that the next game in the series will release around late Summer or early Fall, finding a space between August and October 2024 to release. An October release date also makes sense, considering the horror nature of the game.
Unfortunately, we’ll have to wait for the Hellblade 2 release date to finally come around, but until then, make sure to play some titles from our best Xbox horror games list, with some blood-curdling great titles to play right now. Alternatively, you now have the chance to buy (or save up for) the best gaming TV for the best experience when Hellblade 2 finally releases.