We’ll probably never see an official Grand Theft Auto movie come to fruition, but Rockstar Editor can get you pretty close. The GTA Online tool is handy for creating short films, wild clips, and capturing all that the game has to offer. However, those on last-gen consoles are about to have their dreams of being a Los Santos Spielberg dashed, because Rockstar Games is removing Rockstar Editor for PS4 and Xbox One players permanently.
In the latest Rockstar Games Newswire post, the GTA 6 studio confirms that it is “taking necessary steps to allow for future GTA Online updates” for PS4 and Xbox One owners. To allow that mission to be a success, this means that “Rockstar Editor will no longer be available on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles as of February 20, 2024.” Furthermore, the developer clarifies that “any Clips or Projects saved in the Rockstar Editor” will also be wiped on this date.
Rockstar Games remains dedicated to keeping its current iteration of GTA Online available for players across all console generations, but says it is approaching “the limits of what’s possible within the technical capacity of previous-generation consoles.” The removal of Rockstar Editor will hopefully “ensure the stability of these platforms” and allow the studio to continue updating them in the run-up to the GTA 6 release date.

Though, we are curious to see whether this version of GTA Online will remain once GTA 6 arrives, as Rockstar Games is likely working on a current-gen follow up to coincide with the debut of the HD revamp of Vice City.
Photo Modes are commonplace these days in many new PS5 games and new Xbox games, but a dedicated filmmaking tool is far rarer. The Driver franchise was notable for pioneering it, with the Film Director tool/mode carrying all the way up to 2011’s Driver San Francisco. However, Rockstar Games would implement its own variation of the mode in GTA Online in April 2015. If you are eager to keep your filmmaking passions alive, you still use Rockstar Editor in the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S versions of GTA Online.

The future of the franchise is looking interesting, to say the least. T-Pain is officially working with Rockstar Games on GTA 6, and we’ve got a wild theory about the GTA 6 trailer for you to uncover too.