We know there’s a free Fortnite skin up for grabs as the new Fortnitemares challenges arrive, but there’s so much more to look forward to when it comes to this battle royale’s Halloween event. You’ll be able to interact with Alteration Altars in and around the Reality Tree, swipe at your enemies with a set of Howler Claws, and launch Jack-O-Lanterns with the aptly named Pumpkin Launcher. However, you’ll also be able to run around Fortnite Island as a Deadite’s worst nightmare. That’s right, an Evil Dead Fortnite skin featuring the one and only Ash Williams is on the way.
While the official Fortnite blog post on the upcoming Fortnitemares event doesn’t actually discuss the Evil Dead skins coming to Fortnite, known leaker ‘ShiinaBR‘ has been working with data miner ‘XTigerHyperX2‘ to reveal everything there is to know about the new cosmetics coming to Epic Games’ shooter – and that includes ol’ Ash Williams and his Boomstick.
As you’ll be able to see in the trailer linked below, it looks like the Ash Willaims skin coming to Fortnite is based on the character’s appearance in Evil Dead 2. This is, perhaps, his most iconic appearance – so, it makes a lot of sense that this is the one Epic Games have opted for.
From what we can tell, thanks to this tweet, the Fortnite Evil Dead skin bundle comes with the Ash Williams skin, a holstered Boomstick back bling, an open Necronomicon back bling, and a new loading screen. At the moment, we don’t know for sure whether the Deadite slayer’s chainsaw is a pickaxe you can equip with other Fortnite skins – but, we can’t imagine why it wouldn’t be.
If you’re wondering when this Evil Dead skin and cosmetics bundle will be available in Fortnite, we can’t say for sure. However, the Fortnightmares event has officially started and will be running until October 31 at 23:00 PST and November 1 at 02:00 EST / 07:00 BST. So, we can imagine that there will be plenty of time for you to get your hands on it.

Fortnite is easily one of the best battle royale games out there right now, and really one of the best free shooting games available regardless of genre, and part of that is the game’s incredible multiverse of characters and cosmetics. Although, it also really is a fantastic shooter – and you can make the most of that with a Fortnite VPN. We don’t think Ash is going to know what one of those is, though.