Already proving itself to be one of the best PS5 exclusives around, Final Fantasy 16 is here – but producer Naoki Yoshida is already eyeing up what the future holds for the franchise. While you might not be anywhere close to finishing all of the available Final Fantasy 16 quests, Yoshida believes that the latest RPG entry should embark on a crossover with Final Fantasy 14.
Amid the launch of Final Fantasy 16, Yoshida – who acted as game director for Final Fantasy 14 – spreads word of celebration on social media, while setting up the foundations for an exciting collaboration – with himself. “Producer & Director of Final Fantasy 16, Naoki Yoshida here. Congrats on the launch of the latest FINAL FANTASY! Once things settle down, we should chat about a collab,” says Yoshida.
The director adds “I recommend giving Final Fantasy 16 a try, Warriors of Light! It’s our newest FF title, at least until our next patch launches!”
Bringing the two games is an amusing prospect, considering that Square Enix was involved with both titles respectively. Therefore, should any plans go forward to merge the two game’s somehow, Yoshida would effectively have to consult himself following his role as producer on both games (and co-director on FF14).

Yoshida has mentioned the notion of a collaboration between the two games before. During a Q&A panel at PAX East earlier this year, Yoshida jokingly explains “I am the producer and director of Final Fantasy 14, of course, if there was the opportunity, I’d love to, but I can’t decide all on my own.” The FF franchise producer goes on to say it “means that I’d have to go to the producer of Final Fantasy 16 and ask him ‘may I please?'”
Keeping the comedic spirit going, Yoshida playfully says “I’ve heard rumors that this producer of Final Fantasy 16 is going to be at PAX too. If I see him later I’ll definitely ask.” Could we see elements from the Final Fantasy 16 map appear in the popular MMO? Maybe some of the Final Fantasy 16 bosses could rear their heads once more for revenge.
If the crossover does come to fruition, we’re definitely eager to see how Final Fantasy 16’s world is brought into FF14, but we’re sure that Yoshida already has some stellar plans to keep franchise fans entertained.