Call of Duty MW3 Season 2 Reloaded has finally landed, and with it comes new maps, new modes, and, most importantly, new weapons on PS5 and Xbox. As it transpires, the brand-new MW3 Soulrender sword is rather efficient at quickly dispatching Riot Shield users, and developer Sledgehammer Games has confirmed that this turtle-toppling trait isn’t a bug.
In a clip shared on Twitter by ‘Detonated’, we can see the bountiful blade seamlessly cleave through a shield-bearing scoundrel in the hit FPS game. Naturally, in a game of rock, paper, scissors, the sharp pointy thing should lose to the solid object – it’s no wonder then that many in the community – us included – believed it to be a bug.
However, the multiplayer game’s developer chimed in shortly after, confirming that the Soulrender isn’t bugged at all. “The Soulrender’s heavy attack, much like the JAK Limb Ripper and JAK Purifier, is an intentional counter to Riot Shields,” Sledgehammer writes. So, if you’re looking for a way to de-shell a turtle, there you have it.

Riot Shields have long been a subject of controversy within the Call of Duty community, as their most fervent fans often utilize them for trolling purposes. Of course, using a Riot Shield is a perfectly acceptable strategy, but even Sledgehammer felt they were slightly overturned this time around. To help further carve out their niche, the studio applied a movement speed penalty to them back in December. In return, they received a damage buff.
Nevertheless, if you’re sick to death of watching turtles waddle around in your lobbies then you’ve now got another murderous method of dealing with them. Once you’ve finished taking a leaf out of Detonated’s book, check out what else is new in the Season 2 Reloaded update for one of the best games out there.
While you’re still here, be sure to check out the latest news from some of the best PS5 games and best Xbox games. To offer some inspiration, here’s why Kill the Justice League’s fate is currently looking grim. Alternatively, read up on the new Fortnite Persona leaks that may bring the S.E.E.S. to Epic’s battle royale game.