Debuting alongside the likes of Warzone 2’s Ashika Island and the return of Valderas Museum, the Modern Warfare 2 Season 2 battle pass offers up new cosmetics and weapons to get your hands on. But how easy is it to claim all those tasty MW2 rewards? There is plenty to gain in the latest COD battle pass but players within the Call of Duty community are vocalising their concerns toward Infinity Ward, as they attempt to complete the latest battle pass.
The Modern Warfare 2 Season 2 release date has arrived, ushering in the next wave of Modern Warfare 2 patch notes. Of course, MW2 Season 2 drops the latest battle pass, but Call of Duty Redditor ‘Clarkey80‘ vents “I bought the BP. Get 5 tiers for free. That leaves 17 tiers at 5 points each. I played for 45 mins today and unlocked 1 point in Hardcore. At that rate, it will take me 63.75 hours of playtime to unlock the rest of the BP…with only 53 days left.”
With just under two months left to reap the rewards, the Redditor adds: “How is this doable for a casual player who doesn’t play every day?” The frustration with the game’s tier and point system continues to hinder COD player experiences, as the feasibility of acquiring is put under the spotlight.
Fellow MW2 player ‘AlexTheGreat’ says “we all complained we got to level 250 too quickly and finished the Battle Pass too quickly. Infinity Ward goes way overboard and makes it take way too long so Activision gets the player retention they want.”

The Modern Warfare 2 Season 1 battle pass allowed access to some of the best Modern Warfare 2 guns, but others feel the progression rate is aptly tuned for the COD playerbase. Though, responses from players like ‘Cazter64‘ take on a more blunt approach: “How well are you playing? Performing better will get you more progress.”
Developer Infinity Ward is yet to comment on the rate of progression for MW2 Season 2, but it is possible that a slower XP gain was implemented for player retention. Currently, the MW2 battle pass system requires players to use tokens to claim different parts of the battle pass roadmap. Tokens are earned through continuous gameplay and can be earned quicker with XP boosts. You’ll want to check out the Modern Warfare 2 Path of the Ronin challenges in Season 2 if you’re eager to claim every reward out there.
Elsewhere within the latest COD update, we recommend checking out our Modern Warfare 2 Crossbow guide, so you can flex it on your friends and foes as soon as possible. You’ll need it as your level up through the Modern Warfare 2 ranks.