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Modern Warfare 2 ranks, skill divisions, SR explained, ranked rewards

Find out everything you need to know about Modern Warfare 2 ranks, skills divisions, SR, rewards in Ranked Play and more with this thorough overview

Modern Warfare 2 Ranks: A soldier can be seen

Are you looking to climb the Modern Warfare 2 ranks, Skill Divisions and earn that SR? Well, with Ranked Play finally here in Modern Warfare 2 we have everything you need to know about how this new iteration of Ranked Play will work, how you can excel and make the most of the new SR system and really show off your skills.

Below, you can find an overview of Modern Warfare 2‘s reinvigorated ranked system, including a look at the new separation of Skill Divisions and Ranks. In addition you can also find out what some of the rewards are that are waiting for you in the mode.

How do Modern Warfare 2 ranks work?

Modern Warfare 2 ranks are unlocked by winning matches in Ranked Play which progress towards earning stars. Each star you earn will progress your rank up to the cap of 50 with a new symbol being granted at each threshold of 5 ranks.

Your wins will also contribute towards a unique seasonal challenge. These ranks are not the usual Skill Divisions with SR you may be familiar with. They are instead another form of progression in ranked play that allows everyone to progress. They also encompass your entire ranked career across seasons and the lifespan of the game. More on Skill Divisions can be found below.

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Modern Warfare 2 ranks

There are 50 Modern Warfare 2 ranks divided up into sets of 5 ranks, with each rank threshold awarding you with a new symbol in your skill division colour.

Here are the Modern Warfare 2 ranks in order:

Rank Symbol
5 Modern Warfare 2 Ranks: The rank 5 symbol is seen
10 Modern Warfare 2 Ranks: The rank 10 symbol is seen
15 Modern Warfare 2 Ranks: The rank 15 symbol is seen
20 Modern Warfare 2 Ranks: The rank 20 symbol can be seen
25 Modern Warfare 2 Ranks: The rank 25 symbol can be seen
30 Modern Warfare 2 Ranks: The Rank 30 symbol can be seen
35 Modern Warfare 2 Ranks: The rank 25 symbol can be seen
40 Modern Warfare 2 Ranks: The rank 40 symbol can be seen
45 Modern Warfare 2 Ranks: The rank 45 symbol can be seen
50 Modern Warfare 2 Ranks: The rank 50 symbol can be seen

These ranks are completely separate from your Skill Division, but the symbol will be in the colour of the skill division you are currently in. Similarly, any losses you find yourself with, won’t negatively affect your rank as this is a linear progression system with no way to have your rank decreased.

Modern Warfare 2 Skill Divisions

There are eight different Skill Divisions in Modern Warfare two, each divided up into three tiers. So, in total there are 23 different divisions and tiers to work your way through as Iridescent and Top 250 don’t have tiers.

The Modern Warfare 2 Skill Divisions in order are:

Skill Divisions SR Symbol Colour
Bronze 0-899 Modern Warfare 2 Ranks: The Bronze division colour can be seen
Silver 900-2,099 Modern Warfare 2 Ranks: The Silver division colour can be seen
Gold 2,100-3,599 Modern Warfare 2 Ranks: The Gold division colour can be seen
Platinum 3,600-5,399 Modern Warfare 2 Ranks: The Platinum division colour can be seen
Diamond 5,400-7,499 Modern Warfare 2 Ranks: The Diamond division colour can be seen
Crimson 7,500-9,999 Modern Warfare 2 Ranks: The Crimson division colour can be seen
Iridescent 10,000 Modern Warfare 2 Ranks: The Iridescent division colour can be seen
Top 250 10,000+ Modern Warfare 2 Ranks: The Top 250 division colour and symbol can be seen

As you can see, the Top 250 rank has a unique symbol and you can earn unique rewards for getting into that Division. Once you enter the top 250 players, your rank will be converted to a leaderboard of the top 250 players. This leaderboard will fill up throughout the season before your Skill Division resets at the start of the next one.

Modern Warfare 2 SR explained

SR is Modern Warfare 2 is your skill rating and it is used to place you in the Skill Divisions mentioned above. SR is calculated by using your wins and losses, as well as individual performance and team performance in a match.

So, if you perform well and your team performs well your SR will increase. Perform badly or you are on a team that performs badly your SR will decrease. Similarly, if you win a match your SR will increase and a loss will cause it to decrease. As you move up the Skill Divisions, more emphasis will be put on team performance in Ranked Play and that will have a greater influence on your SR.

Modern Warfare 2 Ranks: Two soldiers can be seen

In addition to these changes, there are no placement matches in Modern Warfare 2. Instead, everyone will start out at Bronze and then work their way up throughout the season. The better you play, the fewer matches you will need to finish and win to move up the divisions.

Modern Warfare 2 ranked rewards

In Modern Warfare 2 ranked there are a number of different ranked rewards:

  • Seasonal Blueprints, Stickers, Decals, Loading Screens, Charms, Weapon Camos (every Season)
  • Calling Card (every 5 Ranks)
  • “Ranked Competitor” Operator Skin Pack (Rank 5)
  • Pro Issue Sidearm Blueprint (Rank 15)
  • Ranked play win tracking Gun Screen (Rank 30)
  • Pro Issue Combat Knife Blueprint (Rank 40)
  • “Ranked Veteran” Operator Skins (Rank 50)
  • Emblem (Bronze and Silver Division reached)
  • Operator Skins, Animated Emblem, Weapon Charm (each new Skill Division reached from Gold up)
  • Animated Calling Card (Iridescent and Top 250 Division reached)
  • Animated Calling Card and Emblem (be the number 1 ranked player in the world)

As you can see there is a pretty varied selection of rewards on offer for those who are looking to climb the Modern Warfare 2 Ranks, Skill Divisions, and excel in competitive play. With all this knowledge of how Modern Warfare 2 ranked works, why not take a look at some of our suggestions for what you should use, including the best Modern Warfare 2 weapons and the best Modern Warfare 2 loadouts?