Are you wondering how to get a Modern Warfare 2 Raid Assignment and what restrictions come with it? Well, you aren’t able to just play the new raids whenever you like and you will need to put some effort into it beforehand, and every week when the weekly reset passes.
But, while a Raid Assignment is needed to jump in, your whole squad won’t have to complete the challenges and only one person needs to take that extra step and nab a Raid Assignment to play. So, take a look at what you need to do below. But, be aware the Modern Warfare 2 raid can’t be played solo or single-player and Modern Warfare 2 raid matchmaking isn’t available
Modern Warfare 2 Raid Assignment
To get a Raid Assignment in Modern Warfare 2 and begin raid runs, you need to do one of the following:
- Place within the top 20 in any Warzone 2.0 Battle Royale Playlist
- In DMZ, use the final exfil helicopter with at least $30,000 in Cash
- Complete a specific Daily Challenge either in Multiplayer or Special Ops
This was confirmed by Infinity Ward and is now live in-game so you can jump in and take on the challenges. Each Raid Assignment lasts for one week and grants Modern Warfare 2 Raid Keys to be able to play the raid with your friends. The Raid Assignment will then need to be re-earned the following week to jump back in.
Amongst your squad, only one player needs a Raid Assignment for you to jump in and begin playing so you do not all have to complete these challenges.
That covers what you need to know about the Modern Warfare 2 Raid Assignment and how you can get one for yourself. If you are jumping into the Raid and looking for a loadout to run with, our best Modern Warfare 2 guns will help you out. Our Warzone 2 best guns will also give you some pointers on what to use in DMZ or the BR modes.