From what we have seen so far, it’s clear that Ubisoft is taking social stealth quite seriously in Assassin’s Creed Mirage – which can’t hurt when it comes to talking about this year’s best RPG games. It does sound like, however, that Ubisoft is taking more notes than we thought from IO Interactive’s Hitman series. In a similar fashion to Agent 47, Basim will be able to don mission-specific disguises in the form of Assassin’s Creed Mirage Costumes when sneaking around Baghdad and beyond. These, interestingly, are separate from the Outfits you can equip.
Ahead of the Assassin’s Creed Mirage release date, Game Informer Issue 359 is diving deep into Ubisoft’s upcoming release with a cover feature and exclusive coverage – which reveals brand new information about what to expect. One rather interesting tidbit of information, highlighted on the social media platform formerly known as Twitter by ‘Access The Animus‘ is that the Costumes you can equip in Assassin’s Creed Mirage are “specific to quests” – unlike Outfits, which players can upgrade to introduce beneficial perks to combat.
What does this actually mean? Well, right now, it’s hard to say. The journalist behind the Game Informer piece assumes that these Costumes will be needed to complete specific quests and we’re under the impression that this means they will be disguises, of sorts. This is something we haven’t really seen in Assassin’s Creed games before – bar Assassin’s Creed Liberation and Unity’s ‘disguise’ skill – and sounds like a mechanic that could be ripped straight from a Hitman game.

That being said, we don’t think Basim will be able to switch clothes with anyone in Baghdad. It could be the case that these Costumes help Basim infiltrate restricted areas and further utilize the social stealth options present. We also think it’s quite possible that legacy outfits, such as one depicting Altair’s iconic white robes, will actually feature as Costumes – thus being true cosmetics and offering no real advantage or disadvantage when it comes to gameplay.
Either way, whatever these Costumes do mean, the two are separate from one another in the game’s Inventory screen. So, that would suggest that you can equip an Outfit and a Costume simultaneosly. The full difference between the two remains to be seen.
Is this possible disguise feature going to be something that helps Assassin’s Creed Mirage become one of the best Assassin’s Creed games we’ve ever played? Only time will tell, but this is far from a bad thing in any case. It really shouldn’t take you long to fully complete Assassin’s Creed Mirage and, while you do that, you’ll be exploring a playable area far bigger than Baghdad city center and more than you first thought. That’s not bad either, right?