If you’re wondering what the answer is to the question “When is the Apex Legends Sun Squad Collection Event start time?“, you’re not alone. And, if you keep reading, we’ll be sure to let you know. The next major content update for Respawn Entertainment’s battle royale Apex Legends is almost upon us – and, there’s more to this update than meets the eye. Sure, we’re going to get some swimsuit skins and Lifeguard Newcastle, but Respawn Entertainment is making a couple other changes that you’re going to want to know about.
But, first things first, the start time. We know this Apex Legends blog post only confirms the start date, but we’re confident that the Apex Legends Sun Squad Collection Event start time is 10:00 PST / 13:00 EST / 18:00 GMT on March 28. This is the same time the in-game store resets and the usual start time for in-game events. Respawn Entertainment has something of a schedule when it comes to these things, and it rarely deviates from that.
As you may already know, this Collection Event is finally giving Apex Legends’ thirstier fans what they’ve been asking for. So, you can stop asking now, an Apex Legends swimsuit skin is coming for Loba in the Sun Squad Collection Event update.
However, she’s not the only one changing it up for the sunny weather. If you check out the new event trailer below, you’ll see that Mirage, Catalyst, Fuse, Newcastle, and more are all getting summer-themed skins ahead of the year’s hottest season. We know it feels as though this event is unusually timed, but better it comes out now than when everyone is out at the actual beach, right?
Interestingly, there’s also a new LTM for players to get stuck into: Heatwave. This is a standard trios playlist, except that every so-often there’s a heatwave in-game that players have to escape by heading under cover and indoors. Heatshields are going to be more valuable than ever in this one.
But, the most important thing about this update is that Apex Legends has smuggled a vital Ash buff into the Sun Squad Collection Event update. If you’re annoyed about her Arc Snare tactical ability, you’ll be pleased to know that it’s going to be quite a bit more effective going forward. We don’t know how this will affect the current Apex Legends pick rates for Ash, but we’re expecting her to shoot up in our Apex Legends tier list soon.
You can also pick up Ash’s heirloom item during this Collection Event. We know this isn’t too important to those of you who aren’t Ash mains, but a recent Apex Legends datamine is teasing a Caustic prestige skin release date – so, there’s that to look forward to, too.
Oh, and while you’re here, you should probably know that the Longbow DMR and Volt SMG are returning to the floor loot pool, being replaced in the replicator by the EVA-8 and 30-30 Repeater. If you need more of a reason to play that and the Ash heirloom item isn’t grabbing you, there it is. The Volt SMG is back. We’re not saying that makes this the best battle royale game out there right now, but it helps.