06/07/2023 New information has come to light supporting the original claims of this article. The copy has been updated to reflect that.
We know getting your hands on one of Respawn Entertainment’s premium Apex Legends prestige skins isn’t easy – or cheap – but they’re more-often-than-not well worth picking up during a Collection Event. Well, that is, if the prestige skin on offer is a skin for your main. If you want to know who’s up next while you climb the Apex Legends ranks, and whether you need to save up your Apex Coins for some event packs, we have you covered; a reliable Apex Legends leaker has named one character when it comes to who’s getting the next prestige skin.
Apex Legends leaker Thordan Smash, in a video on Apex Legends’ Horizon heirloom item, has claimed that “the most reliable source from a dev that game [him] some information does [suggest] that [the next prestige skin] is going to be for Valkyrie”.
That’s right; she might not be at the tippy-top of our Apex Legends tier list, but Valkyrie is a solid Skirmisher and she’s the character that – currently – seems most likely to be getting a prestige skin next. We don’t have any visual leaks to talk about just yet, though, so we might have to actually wait a few months for it to come out.
You can find Thordan Smash’s comments towards the end of the video down below:

Interestingly, in addition to this admission, Thordan Smash also mentions that all previous prestige skins – except for Caustic’s – have been for characters related to the ‘pilot’ theme. They state that every prestige skin’s codename has the word “pilot” in it, and that characters Bangalore, Wraith, and Bloodhound were all canonically training to be pilots at some point.
This could also just be a nice easter egg that further reinforces Apex Legends’ link to the Titanfall game series; the two share a universe and we’re slowly seeing Respawn Entertainment introduce more Titanfall content in the battle royale.
If you’re wondering what this Valkyrie prestige skin might look like, Apex Legends fans on Reddit have some ideas – although, we don’t think any of these will come true. One fan thinks Viper’s helmet, a character from the Titanfall series and Valkyrie’s father, will feature in some capacity – again. However, others were just disappointed popular characters like Lifeline and Wattson are still waiting for prestige skins.
Insider Gaming, however, reports that this skin will have a “Gundam theme, featuring numerous mech components across its three tiers” – with the appearance of the suit allegedly inspired by Viper’s modified Titan from Titanfall 2. It is expected to be available during the Dressed to Kill Collection Event, but take that information with a pinch of salt.
Valkyrie, to their credit, isn’t too popular right now – according to Apex Legend Status. Across all ranks, she’s sitting at an Apex Legends pick rate of 4.1% – and, between Diamond rank and Apex Predator rank, she’s being played by 5.1% of players and 3.5% of players respectively. There are certainly more popular characters out there, but we don’t think that should dictate who gets a skin and who doesn’t.
If you want to pick it up, when it eventually drops, you might need upwards of $100 to do that. As you can see in this video from content creator ‘thethak‘ below – in regards to the Caustic prestige skin – it can cost you up to around $130 USD if you don’t have any Crafting Metals to hand.

Of course, you will get more than one skin for all that – but, it’s still a lot of money.
Apex Legends is one of the best competitive FPS games out there right now, and it’s regarded as one of the best battle royale games of all time. But, sometimes, the monetization goes a little too far – and these Collection Events are an example of that. However, if you’re sitting on a hundred bucks and you’re a Valkyrie main, you might be in luck.